Going Somewhere

August has this way of making me feel disconnected. The world seems to move at double pace, while I feel like I’m sloshing through knee deep mud. It’s a terrible sensation. My summer is quickly fading and I’m already feeling the crunch.

I woke up last Thursday with that distinct feeling of September encroaching. I brushed it aside, but it’s still in the corner, mocking me. Can’t stop the march of time, I suppose.

Mud is not the only thing knee-deep in my life. The floor of my studio is littered with fabric scraps and bits of buckwheat hulls. As I’ve run out of hulls and my new shipment won’t be in until later this week, I’ll be spending the better part of this afternoon digging out of my chaos. Somewhere in the mess, I’ve lost my seam ripper. It’s a good thing the boy sews, I can pilfer his supplies when mine go mysteriously missing in my creative mess.

Anyhow, Mireio launched last week. It’s a soft opening; my ad with Modish will run in September. I’m hoping to have at least doubled my stock by then. I’ve had two sales, already…. which is wonderful. But this, and the food program, is what has me under cover right now. When I do get to the computer, it’s not to blog, it’s to write listings. I’m having fun creating lives for my products, but it’s creatively draining. It doesn’t leave many words for this endeavor, eh?

I’m also hoping that September will bring a bit of breathing room. A chance to step back into your worlds with more consistency. You should know that despite my lack of presence on your blogs, I’m thinking about all of you. Wondering how you all are. Drop me a line, if you can. I miss you.

Ok, back to my studio. Note to self: wear shoes until you find your seam ripper. Ouch!


I feel like there is moss growing on this blog.