Nov 18, 2009 | Best of Etsy

You can find The Best of Etsy at its new home on Mireio Designs! Where you’ll find my weekly picks of the best in handmade, vintage, and supply finds like this adorable Gumdrop Wreath.
Well, what are you waiting for? Click Click!
Aug 25, 2009 | Best of Etsy

“Adopting Mayfair was as Natural as Taking a Breath” ~~ Lisa Kaser
Pssst: Over on Mireio there is a fabulous interview with the stunningly generous Lisa Kaser. You might want to go read it and enter the giveaway for one of her prints! Â You like free art, right? Yes, yes you do!
Aug 6, 2009 | Best of Etsy

“Cotton Candy” by Rachel Ballard. All rights reserved.
If you don’t know Rachel Ballard, she is (among other things!) a fabulous photographer. Her images are absolutely gorgeous and now she’s offering to share her expertise with you!
Recently, I had a chance to ask the lovely Rachel a few questions about her upcoming photo e course “Bloom.” Â I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for new ways to become a better photographer and Rachel’s new course has me really intrigued. The thought of actually being able to use the “manual” setting on my camera makes me giddy. And let’s face it, any time I can do something in my pajamas, well. . . sign me up!
But I’m also a bit nervous about taking a course in photography. What if I’m not good enough? What if it’s all math and I don’t do math! What if. . . So, I put my questions to Rachel and she was gracious enough answer. You’ll find she’s warm and funny, just what you want from an instructor. Read on, my friends. . . you won’t regret it!
(I know several of my Evidently readers will interested in reading about this course! So, I thought I’d give you all a head’s up. The full interview can be found on Mireio!)
Aug 5, 2009 | Best of Etsy

Gorgeous postcard from Childlike Wisdom
The Best of Etsy has moved! It’s still being tweeted every Wednesday at 1 pm PST, but you can now find the list at its new home: Mireio. I hope you’ll come on over and take a look–and tell me what you think!
Jul 29, 2009 | Best of Etsy

Fantastic felting from Shiba Ng Designs
The Best of Etsy is on hiatus this week, but will return next week with lots of amazing new finds and some BIG NEWS! Tune in.
And mark your calendars! Next week  Mireio is celebrating 1 year in business with an Anniversary Sale! (August 5-9) You’ll want to shop early. . . and tell a friend!Â
Jul 22, 2009 | Best of Etsy

Bucks County Frames
The Best of Etsy is on hiatus for the month of July. But it will return in August with all new finds! Until then, feel free to peruse the archives!