13/94: Life’s Not Hard. . .
Day Thirteen: Life’s not so hard when your man cooks. No doubt, I’m a blessed girl.
Day Thirteen: Life’s not so hard when your man cooks. No doubt, I’m a blessed girl.
Day Twelve: What? This is me working. Ok, it’s actually me taking a break on the porch. Shouting at my T.V. is hard work!
As much as I’d like to write a wordy post, and I do have a few  brewing, I’m swamped getting ready for the 4th. You know, it’s the “Pre-house-guests cleaning blitz”.  Compounding things, I’m a bit behind because I spent part most of my day watching soccer and screaming at my television. IZ is  claiming to now be deaf. My child is both mortified and slightly impressed at his mother’s vociferous enthusiasm for Uruguay.  All this to say, I’m guessing I’ll be back with words after the holiday.
I’m still posting photos from my 94 Days of Summer project though, and I’d love it if you were vociferous in the comment section!
Day Eleven: Photos piled up on the dining room table waiting for a good dusting.
**I might be back later with a wordy post to this. I’m in a full cleaning blitz attempting to put the sparkle back into our house as my adorable sister-in-law will be visiting Sunday.
Day Ten: Miss Sophie waiting her turn to see the vet tech. Our usual veterinarian is on vacation and Miss Sophie wasn’t so sure she liked waiting for the new guy.  Now we get to hurry up and wait for the eye meds to start working. And that just about sums up my day: hurry up and wait. I hope tomorrow is more productive!
Day Nine: Making plans for The 4th of July and an afternoon mocha on the porch with IZ
if you’re looking closely.
Day Seven: Abandoned Roses
You never know what you might find in our yard. Poor Iz stumbled into vermin poop. I was far luckier! Much to my surprise, the abandoned rose bush on the boundary fence decided to bloom like mad this year. I missed most of the show and it’s being completely choked by weeds—but the few blooms I rescued are absolutely stunning. I can’t begin to describe the scent, cocoa maybe?
I guess I should weed my yard more often.
Day Six: Â Refueling at El Azedero Taco Stand. Sometimes, you just need a chicken taco.
Day Five: Color Me Ambitious
I don’t sew for me. Probably because most of my past attempts can be classified as “craft project-esque”. I have these nightmares that Heidi Klum stops me on the street and says, “I don’t  know, it looks very home sewn to me” in her lovely accent.
What? Super models don’t stop and talk to you in your dreams?
But I  think about it a lot, sewing for myself. Especially as summer approaches. And like the jamsyrup** of previous posts, make a summer skirt is a perennial favorite on my summer to-do list. My success rate is even worse—since I’ve never made anything remotely summery that I’d be caught dead wearing. What I’m doing wearing homemade clothes in my dreams is beyond me.
Maybe I should seek therapy.
Anyhow, make summer skirt is on this year’s list. Partly out of defiance, partly out of habit. But mostly because I’m ambitious. Beneath my slacker Gen X tendencies, there is an ambitious streak a mile wide. Not the “I’m going to be famous” kind of ambition, or the “I’m going to save the world” ambition. It’s  far less snazzy or altruistic. It’s more delusional and stubborn and  completely irrational. If this ambitious side of myself had a name it would be Kitty. And Kitty wants to make a summer skirt.
You really shouldn’t argue with Kitty.
So the skirt makes the list. Who knows if I’ll actually do it.  I did take my favorite skirt into the studio today in hopes that if it sits on my ironing board long enough, I might  get around to drafting a pattern. We’re going to call that step one.
**Jamsyrup, coined by the lovely Yvette. Who just happens to be joining me in documenting her 94 days of Summer. I’m already loving what she’s doing! Go check it out. And if you want to join along, it’s not too late!
***OOPS! Actually, “Jamsyrup” was coined by Another Yarn. Yvette has a lovely blog called Jams and Jewels… and now you see how I got confused. 😀
Day Four: Laid Up. Good thing I have a stack of library books to keep me company.