63/94: Aflame
Day Sixty-three: Aflame. Sometimes, at just the right moment, the sunset lights my closet window on fire.
Day Sixty-three: Aflame. Sometimes, at just the right moment, the sunset lights my closet window on fire.
Day Sixty-two: The Beginning of the End
I’m sure we’ll get another sweep of warm air before the onset of autumn. One last surge, an Indian summer if we’re lucky. But there is little doubt that this  summer is picking up speed toward the finish line. And there was a definite crisp note in the air this morning—that heady mix of dried leaves, blackberry vines, and the promise of rain. It used to be my favorite smell in the world, the smell of school just around the corner. But, since moving to this gray world I can’t help but dread that turn.
I think it’s because we don’t have real summers here. So, the change is just one of more grey. Not the longed respite from the sun that so many of you crave after a hot, hot, hot summer.
But despite the perpetual gray, there is little doubt that the season is about to change. From the downtown merchant windows to the middle school boys sporting back-to-school crew cuts, summer is ending in the most traditional of ways. We are charging full speed toward September and before we know it we will have to pin our hopes for warmth and balmy weather on another year. Haul out the Halloween decorations, apple pie recipes, and your charge card for school clothes, this is it. Gear up, charge up, prepare: fall is coming in just a short month.
Me? I’ve been spending my last days of summer attempting to get my studio in line. No matter how I try to schedule it, I’m not seeing the finish line before the beginning of autumn. However, I’m motivated and spending most of my days in the deep end of a bucket of Aloe colored paint. IZ, bless him, had some mercy on me today and helped. And then when I whined that I couldn’t bare to put yet another photo of a bucket of paint on Evidently, he whisked me off to the beach for a quick dinner. “You can put a picture up of the Ocean, everybody likes that!”
Indeed we do. It’s soothing and puts our small lives into perspective.
I’m finding that tonight. And I’m looking forward to the change in seasons. I’m attempting to let go of my list and my goals and simply absorb these last days for what they are: the end.
That being said, you know I’ve already started a list of things to do for fall. Don’t worry, I won’t make you slog through it… at least not tonight.
Day Sixty-one: Painting
Me: (wobbling out of bed this morning) Oof… everything aches!
IZ: Well, painting is a full body work-out.
Me: I had no idea!
IZ: Tthink about it. . . have you have ever seen a fat painter?
The man makes a point. I’m thinking there could be a new work-out/home-improvement video tape in this somewhere!
Day Sixty: We’re still waiting on blackberries out here in the grey, so it’s hard to say if Jam will ever happen this summer. However, Â we’re happy to munch on some imported Pears. You know, from sunny California!
Day Fifty-Nine: Life is beautiful.
Something a bit different, today. I’ve been busy cleaning so, no photo. But I thought you’d love to see and listen and really, experience this. Her name is Wende Snijders and she is something to behold.
Anyhow, life is beautiful. Even on cleaning day.
Day Fifty-eight: A long over-due hair cut. Shorter but still just as fly-away as ever. Any product recommendations to combat the humidity?
Day Fifty-seven: Aloe. The Studio Project begins.
Day Fifty-six: The laundry can wait.
Day Fifty-five: 80 degrees and Salsa Verde!
Salsa Verde
2 Cups of Italian Parsley — ITALIAN, not normal… or you will cry. Take it from me.
2 Tbs Capers
4 Anchovies
2 -3 Â Garlic cloves (2 if you like less of a kick, 3 if you like to live on the wild side.)
2 Tbs of Red Wine Vinegar — Use to soak 1-2 pieces of italian bread w/o the crust
1 tsp of Dijon
1/2 of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Ok… put all these ingredients into a food processor and whip the bejezzus out of it. Seriously, whip it good. Then try not to make a total pig of yourself slathering it on bread.
Oh, and it’s good as a mayo substitute. Just sayin’.
Recipe courtesy of my lovely Mother in Law
Day Fifty-four: I’m feeling a bit tangled.
I’m still sorting out our camping gear, remembering important birthdays a day later than I should, catching up with IZ and the blogosphere, and attempting to find my groove after a lovely time away. Oh, and sleeping. Wow, I was tired!
The good news is that the sun has arrived just in time for Regatta. And I have a feeling that after a few days of charging my solar battery, I’ll be fine. Heck, I even went for a run tonight—after I put in a 2 mile hill walk with IZ!
So, tonight,  I’ll just  say a belated but heartfelt Happy 54th birthday, on this 54th day of Summer, to one of my favorite people on the planet.” You know I love you! And clearly the Universe does too… sending us this lovely weather to help celebrate! Happy Birthday, Margaret.