Sep 20, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Ninety-two: It’s all downhill from here.
I can’t believe it took me all summer (year, I’ve had this for ages!) to notice that I’m not paying for grammar. And clearly, neither is Kirkland.
What’s with all the cars downtown? And what’s with nearly getting killed every time I drive downtown?
I miss Santa Barbara most this time of year.
It’s kinda pathetic, but I’m pretty excited that fall TV is back.
I’m probably too old to be watching Gossip Girl?
I’m definitely too old to be wearing jeggings.
I like starting sentences with a conjunction. It makes me feel connected to something before. And I like ending sentences with a preposition. I do it on purpose. Because I can.
Sep 18, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Ninety: I bought several bunches of Dahlias in soft summer pinks, in part because I needed to drop off a bouquet to the new neighbors. But  also because I wanted one last touch of summer.
Sep 17, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Eighty-nine: Spending the day curled up in bed, reading past posts on Evidently and considering its future. It’s remembering weather.
Some of my favorite finds:
Brandishing a Mixer
Daft Punk is Playing at My House
August Smells of Blackberries
Walter Tango Foxtrot
Sep 16, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Eighty-eight: One week of summer left and I’m not laying odds on my future salad being ready before Autumn arrives.
Sep 15, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Eighty-seven: I wasn’t kidding about the rain.
Sep 14, 2010 | This Life

Boy Wonder at 8 months with his Aunt
I was blessed to marry into a large family; Iz is the baby of eight. However with a big age gap between him and his siblings, his nieces and nephews were well on their way by the time I entered the family. We were the epitome of newlyweds, not paying attention to the fact that relationships don’t just happen because you got married. Little people need love and attention and it’s on YOU, the adult, to provide it. When IZ and I finally awoke from our self-involved newlywed phase we were living states away and the youngest was already ruling the elementary school play-ground.
My lack attention nagged at me from the edges my conscience. Â I consoled myself with the fact that the nieces and nephews had other aunts and uncles. Plus, these kids did not want for cousins! That’s the upside of a large family, there is always someone to step in when need arises. But in my heart, I knew we were missing an opportunity and I knew we should have been doing something to nurture relationships with these tiny souls. IZ and I had always intended on being a good aunt and uncle, we had spent hours of our engagement talking about hosting “Camp Runamucka” where all the cousins could come hang with us. You know what they say about good intentions! Life got in the way, and frankly, we didn’t fight the distance. Â I think we were just too self-involved to notice that our darling nieces and nephews were growing up and growing past us.
The point was driven home when IZ and I finally got around to having a “cousin” of our own! Boy Wonder arrived and my sisters-in-law stepped up. Despite the fact we’d neglected Cheryl’s children, and Mary didn’t even have kids of her own. They showered my child with gifts and attention, later with letters and postcards, and ultimately with relationships that have lasted. I’ve sat back and watched their interactions and have marveled at the love and acceptance, the refusal to judge or instruct. They’ve simply loved my child. As he is, for who he is. They’ve noticed the good and looked past the growth edges. And they’ve reinforced my belief that every child needs a cadre of loving adults in their lives.
I’ve been reflecting on this loss of “auntdom” all summer for reasons best unblogged, but I’ve come to the conclusion that it is never too late. Sometimes, you need to be creative, be open to the possibilities. And I believe the Universe meets you in that creativity.
It’s been an utter joy to have Sara and Faith become part of our lives. In many ways, I’m living out all my “Aunt Wende” fantasies, crafting and hanging out and creating a safe place to just be. But I’m also keenly aware that for them, I represent yet another loving adult in their lives. Someone they can trust and talk to, someone they know will be there. Someone who isn’t trying to parent them or judge them, but someone who provides shelter and love. And while I am not their aunt, I can step up and be present. I can step up and do the hard work! They’re other people’s children, other people’s nieces—and yet, the Universe has chosen to put them in my life at just the right time. I’m thankful that I didn’t miss this opportunity—that IZ and I have grown-up enough to realize it’s not all about us.
We’ll call that progress. While my nieces and nephews are all adults now, it’s not too late to get to know them either. I’m still working on how to do that and attempting to be creative in the process. I have faith that the Universe will meet me in this endeavor, too.
It is with deep regret that I will never be an aunt to someone small. It pains me that I’ve missed the opportunity to really know these kids when they were little. However, I remain hopeful. Our youngest niece is getting married next year and with her comes the potential of becoming a Great Aunt. Â And that is an opportunity I intend to live into fully.
Sep 14, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Eight-six: I’m facing a week of rain by wearing my favorite summer dress. This is my defiant face.
Spent entirely too much time this afternoon trying to take a self-portrait in the new studio so I can update Mireio’s about page. Um, it’s HARD work to take a photo without a timer remote. It’s ridiculous! I wish I could have taped the ordeal, because I’m convinced the up-down-adjust-repeat routine looked like a new exercise fad. In fact, I’m sure I lost a few ounces. Someone call Jillian.
Meanwhile, rain is coming. Lots of it. And I’m choosing to rebel with my wardrobe.
Sep 13, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Eighty-five: Free reading on the first day of High School. And first day of school in the new studio space!
Sep 12, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Eighty-four: Taking in the view with Miss Sophie. . .

. . . and what a view it is.