Oct 12, 2010 | From the Kitchen, This Life

Because apparently, he loves his mother’s Apple Pie.
Recently I overheard IZ on the phone with his mother, ” I love two kinds of apple pie. Wende’s, of course, Â and yours.” Â This is news to me! Because whenever I bake apple pie the boy lies through his teeth and says, “This is the best apple pie! I wouldn’t eat anything but your apple pie.”
Let’s get things straight here, my apple is nothing special. In fact, I won’t serve it to friends. I draw the limit at tormenting family. IZ just has fond memories because I baked apple pie for him for months when we were first married. I was attempting to perfect my pie crust skills, so I baked an apple pie each week. I’m not partial to apple pie, (that’s southern for “I abhor it!”) so I could safely bake it and not also eat it. He gained 20 lbs. Love, I tell you, it makes you fat and happy.
However, I had no clue he had a soft spot for his mother’s pie. He never said. Not that I would have listened, I don’t think. In fact, I’m pretty sure I would have told him, “Are you married to your mother? NO. Is your mother here baking you pie? No. You will eat MY pie because I baked it, buster.” Ok, I wouldn’t have said it, but I would have shot him a look that summed up my position. My house, my pie.
These days, I’m old, er, and wise, er, and it’s probably time to stop tormenting the man with my apple pie. I stepped up and got the recipe from my mother-in-law. But, being resistant (I’m southern) and stubborn (southern) and wiley (southern) I wasn’t about to give in easily. Which is why I opened up our coffee time this morning with my big move.
Me: “I have a proposition for you. I want to bribe you.”
IZ: “With what?”
Me: “With pie. If you’ll make me a pdf recipe template for Evidently, I’ll bake you pie. I’ll bake you your mother’s apple pie.”
IZ: “Sounds fair to me.”
So today, he made a template and now you can clicky, clicky for a printable recipe card! And me, I baked pie. Apple pie. His mother’s pie. And you didn’t hear it from me, but it’s pretty good pie.
Click here for a printable recipe card :Â Kellie’s Brown Bag Apple Pie
Oct 11, 2010 | In Photos
Halloween decor is up. It only took us 2 days and countless hours attempting to replace fuses. Those little things are TINY and can drive a girl to abuse chocolate. But, we’re done and feeling spooky. Clicky, clicky for better views.
Oct 10, 2010 | Sunday Sermon

Love is Louder than any voice that causes pain.
Oct 4, 2010 | This Life

The man couldn’t resist filching an apple from an abandoned heirloom tree out in the boondocks of Washington. I guess it’s really wrong that I found his thievery kinda sexy, right?
Oct 3, 2010 | Sunday Sermon

Some keep the Sabbath going to Church-
I keep it, staying at Home-
With a Bobolink for a Chorister-
And an Orchard, for a Dome-
Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice-
I just wear my Wings-
And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,
Our little Sexton-sings.
God preaches, a noted Clergyman-
And the sermon is never long,
So instead of getting to Heaven, at least-
I’m going, all along. Â ~~Emily Dickinson
A special thank you to Gwen, for sending me the poem. It serves as a lovely way to begin again.
Sep 28, 2010 | This Life

For once, I actually bought pumpkins before I had to wade knee deep in mush to find a good one.
Sep 24, 2010 | This Life

Santa Barbara Court House and Los Padres in the background.
Happy Friday! I hope you all have an amazing weekend. I’m leaving you with a photo of what I consider “home”. It’s been awhile since I’ve been back, but it doesn’t take much to transport me there in spirit! Like the realization that traditionally we’d be packing our bags this week and heading south with the sun. However, our annual trek home has been put on hold for yet another year. Blame the economy. I do. Instead, I’ll be living on memories and making the most of it— deep cleaning my house, prepping for dinner guests, and maybe even dining al fresco on the porch.
See you on Monday!
Sep 23, 2010 | This Life
It’s raining buckets. And sheets. And every cliche I can muster—but it’s been a very good mail day! 😀
1. Fabric! 2. Martha!! 3. Handmade from a friend!!!
Sep 22, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Ninety-four: IZ isn’t so sure about summer ending.
Here we are. The last day of summer. Did you do something amazing, something summer worthy today? I spent the day as I usually do, attempting to restore order to the chaos around me. Despite my domestic slaying, Â I couldn’t escape the thought, “So, this was summer.” It wasn’t what I expected… and I didn’t do everything I set out to do. But then, that could be said of any day of the week, any week of the month. . .
I will tell you that I’ve throughly loved blogging every day. When I began this journey, I wasn’t really sure I would. In fact, I was a bit intimidated. What if I couldn’t come up with a photo each day? What if I got writer’s block? I was surprised how quickly I got over those hurdles, let go of the perfectionism, and emmersed myself in the process. Sure, not every photo was  newsworthy, nor was every post scintillating, but the process has kept me focused. I don’t feel like my summer just slipped away.
I will also tell you this has been a lonely process at times. Why is that people read but rarely comment? Or only leave comments on Facebook? Don’t get me wrong, commenting isn’t mandatory. I’ll love you just as much as I ever did if you only thumbs up my posts on facebook—but blogging everyday has put the commenting situation on Evidently in stark relief… and it’s something I’m evaluating. Â It certainly caused me to pause and look at my commenting habits! In an attempt to pry out the log in my own eye, I’ve redoubled my efforts to be present on blogs I’ve only lurked on in the past. I’m not drawing conclusions, just observing. I suppose I’ll have more to say when I can put my finger on the problem.
I do want to say, “Thank YOU!” to those of you who have traveled with me so faithfully. I appreciate your company more than I can say. It’s been an amazing 94 days and the fall has so much in store for us. I’m ready. Are you?
So! This is it. The end. I’m no fan of goodbyes, so I think I’ll let the final words on this summer be those of a beloved poet:
Lovely joy left blank, perhaps you are
the center of all my labors and my loves.
If I’ve wept for you so much, it’s because
I preferred you among so many outlined joys. ~~Rilke
Sep 21, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Ninety-three: Penultimate
I spent the penultimate day of summer taking this dog to the vet. Miss Thing needed another cortisone shot. She kept me up last night, constantly getting out of her bed to scratch. Â With IZ snoring on the other side of me, I’m being assaulted in stereo. It’s not exactly what I had planned today but something had to give because I need some sleep. I refuse to spend the last day of summer being crabby.