

Danish Maid donuts for All Saints is a family tradition. Despite the fact some of us are still coming down from the previous night’s sugar high. One of us, usually me, braves the rain (it always seems to rain the day after Halloween!) to head downtown for our donut fix.

This year, it seems especially important to honor the tradition. In part, because so much of our traditional Halloween activities were hampered by a string of storms that assailed the North Coast last week. Traditionally, we would head downtown to trick-or-treat in early afternoon, then meet up with IZ to chat about our time over coffee. A quick dash home for dinner and then trick-or-treating in our neighborhood with friends—and back to our house for a little late night snack for the adults, and candy swapping for the kids.

But the potential for rain made me a bit hesitant to commit to all the out-doors events this year. Deluge is not synonymous with a good time! The prospect of drowned teenagers and grumpy parents had me re-thinking our plan. The wind  blew in more than rain, but change as well. Boy Wonder  is now 13 and feeling like he may have outgrown the downtown event. So, the weather provided an easy out—despite the fact that the storm we were expecting didn’t show up until very early this morning. His choice of costume wasn’t water friendly, so he jumped at a chance to just have his buddies over for a party instead of trick-or-treating. He also decided he was OK going without a costume… since his Chewboxa (don’t ask!) costume wasn’t Wii game friendly either. Not our traditional plan, but a good plan!

Of course, you know that just hours before the party he changed his mind. So we scrambled. And sometimes those last minute costumes are the best. I was deeply relieved that he decided to abandon the “ghoul” get-up that has been his tradition for the past 6 years! His Albert Einstein made for a friendlier presence at our front door—and didn’t completely freak out the few tiny visitors that opted to brave the weather!  We had a lovely time with friends. And all the elements of our traditional Halloween were there, good food, good friends, fun costumes, lots of candy—but mixed up to create something new. Something wonderful. Perhaps something we’ll do again!

Traditions can change. Sometimes they need to, in order to thrive and remain meaningful. It’s about finding just enough of your tradition to carry forward—honoring the past as you step into the future. It’s not an easy task to leave behind “the way we’ve always done it.” But it is a rewarding one.

Especially if there are Danish Maid donuts on the other side.

Halloween 2010

North Dakota


Tie-dye sock monkey—what’s not to smile about?

This guy brightens my day. He’s unfinished but I kinda like that about him. One of his button pins reads, “I’d rather be smooching my nerdy husband.” His perch in my studio is just within my eye-line while I sew, a constant reminder not to take myself too seriously.

Meanwhile, the weather has turned here on the edge of the world—winter is arriving early. We’ve been slammed with storm after storm—wind, rain, hail, thunder and lightening. My child is ecstatic. He’s a big fan of this weather, the rest of the family thinks he’s a bit nutty. Poor Snickers hides under things and Miss Sophie refuses to participate in the walking part of her day. Nothing like compelling a stubborn terrier onto the grass… PEE! Sophie, PEE!

My poor neighbors.

I wouldn’t mind this weather if our house was better insulated. Ok, that’s not true. I’d mind it LESS if I could take in a storm through the safety of double paned windows beside a roaring fire. But this is not the case. Sure old houses are charming, but that’s code for paper thin walls. The real estate agent never mentions your walls are so thin, even animals won’t make a home in them. No, they’re too busy pointing out the lovely molding and the original 1920’s windows.

Original windows? WHAT? How is that a selling point? Original windows = It’s COLD in here. How cold? I can’t feel my feet cold. I can see my breath cold? I’m stealing long underwear from IZ, heating blankets in the dryer, and sucking down liters of hot tea cold. Even Miss Sophie spends her evening with her nose tucked in a blanket.

It’s going to be a long winter  and y’all have been warned: it’s 49 degrees and I’m already whiny. It’s only going to get worse.  You might want to stop reading until next May.

Speaking of tea, tonight’s tea bag wisdom said, “Don’t sleep counting sheep. Count your blessings, then sleep.”  So, in the spirit of taking advice from a tea bag, “I’m thankful it’s not North Dakota out there!” Brrr.  (Hi, Treva! Bundle up!)

Envy Not

take stock

Are you counting your blessings or someone else’s?

I read this Harold Coffin quotation that has me thinking: “Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.”  And that reminds me of this old hymn I used to sing as a child, “Count your blessings, name them one by one.” And that has me thinking I’ll redouble my efforts, tuck some of my blessings into the spiritual piggy bank we all carry at the center of our souls.

And it makes me wonder, what blessings are you counting today?

Me and George Washington


I’m a girl with an oral hygiene addiction.

Yesterday was not a good day. In fact, I think I hit an all time low, if we’re measuring by the amount tears shed on any given day. I’d been dreading the visit to the dentist for ages—ever since I cracked two fillings and my jaw began to ache. I could tell from just looking at the one tooth a root canal was in my future. What I didn’t expect was to have a mouth full of cavities… again.

You have to know, I’m a girl with an oral hygiene addiction. Iz and I joke that there are more dental care products in the bathroom than there are hair care products, and you know how I feel about hair goop! I’m a sucker for the next best dental floss, tooth-paste, mouth rinse… and that doesn’t take into account all the homeopathic aids I’ve bought over the years.

I’d tell you it’s vanity—and it is, if you consider vanity to be, “I don’t want to lose all my teeth.” This is not an irrational fear on my part, since both of my parents faced just that before they were 30. They passed on those genes and you can see it in my paper thin enamel. But I’ll have you know, that with exception to a cavity in a baby-tooth at the age of 5 I didn’t have another filling until I was 30! And that’s because I’ve been so obsessive. I rinse, brush, or floss after every meal and then sometimes just because.


You Make Me Smile


I recently bought new fabric for Mireio and shuttled it down to the studio the minute it arrived. I feel like I have to keep on top of the incoming supplies, otherwise the store has a tendency to take over the house. So, on my way downstairs, I holler up to IZ in his office, “I’m going down to the studio. If you want to see this fabric, you’ll have to come to me.”

A few minutes later, my boy is standing in the doorway.

Me: “Whatcha doing?”

Boy Wonder: “I’ll look at your fabric if you want me to.”

Apparently he thought I was being a bit neglected, so he came for a visit and oohed and ahed… Which made me smile. I’m pretty sure he couldn’t care less about fabric. But clearly, he cares a whole lot about his mom.

~~What made you smile today?

Autumn Light


Mornings are cool and crisp and flooded with soft sunlight. I wake up to this shadow on my wall.

Speak Kindly

speak kindly

Speak Kindly:

to your family, to your friends, to the people you meet along the way. On the internet, while standing in a long line at the post office, to the person “just doing their job” on the phone. Speak kindly to your children, to other people’s children, to the dog when you’ve had a hard day. Speak kindly to yourself! Because every word does matter!

Note: Typically, I post a photo for Sunday’s Sermon. However, this poster has been on my mind all week. For more information on Love is Louder and to help turn up the volume on Tuesday click here: Love is Louder.  Poster by Studio Mela

Lucky Find And Carly Simon


You’re getting a product shot of my newest lucky find because when I tried to get the boy to do a goofy pose with it,  he flat-out refused. Apparently, “there are limits”.  Really? Limits? Since when? You can bet I’m going to quote  that back to him when bedtime arrives tonight!

But back to this form. It’s from a downtown store that is going out of business. I’m figuring from its original state that it’s vintage. I spent most of the week patching holes, giving it a new paint job, and trying to shake the skeevy sensation that came along with finding this thing. It’s a story best left off the blog, but I think I can safely say there are just some encounters that make your skin crawl. However, the new paint seems to have done the job—and I’m thrilled to have it. In truth, I don’t see Mireio expanding to a full jewelry line. That being said, I suspect people do want to see how something hangs; so finding this vintage form locally is a lucky find. And it’s making the product shot part of my life much easier.

Not that I can get the kid to pose with it. Jewelry is more compliant. (more…)