Apr 22, 2011 | caption this

Color me indecisive, but you people are witty. And maybe a bit colorblind. The left sock is GREEN, which makes me question your monitor settings, but that’s beside the point. Since you all worked so hard, I decided to choose two, that’s right, two winners. And I’ve alerted Santa to put you all on the nice list for Christmas (the rest of you non-joiners, it’s COAL!)
Can we get a drumroll please? Louder. I can’t hear you. . .
Winner Number One: “This is kind of awkward, white sock, but I think you have…uhhh something that belongs to me. I’m pretty sure that’s my….that’s my string.” I like how Colleen tapped into the pink sock’s inner angst. I totally identify with the trauma of confrontation the pink sock must be feeling. Way to read my neurosis, Colleen.
And Winner Number Two: “White sock to pink sock, ‘She’s noticed you’re starting to rub off on me.‘” Oooh, cheating socks. I love it. Evidently totally needs more drama and angst! Big props to Becca!
So, a big round of applause to the winners. And a big “You’re so awesome” to those of you who played along. The winners need to send me their addresses (Not Colleen, I have yours) if they want to claim their chocolate. I will post photos of the prizes just as soon as I get them mailed off –because, yes I’m going to milk this for all it’s worth.
Happy  Weekend!
Apr 21, 2011 | In Photos

Caption This: Best answer wins. What? I haven’t decided. It depends on how many of you play along and how good your captions are. How’s that for incentive?
Apr 19, 2011 | This Life

An honest card is hard to find.
I’ve been thinking about Mother’s Day a great deal this week. Part of it, is that the dreaded holiday is nearing. Part of it, is finding a card my son wrote to his uncle when he was just 5 (I never mailed it, because Boy Wonder had taped his favorite piece of crayon to it, and I didn’t have the heart to let him part with it.) while I was sorting through old photos. How quickly time passes.
I’m not a fan of the holiday, though I understand Mother’s Day means something to most of you. And I say, “Go, Celebrate.” Just don’t ladle guilt on your children when they don’t live up to your expectations. Because eventually, there will come a time when you are not the center of their universe. That’s a good thing. Embrace it—rejoice in it, you did this! You reared your children to adulthood and autonomy and the ability to be parents themselves.
Apr 14, 2011 | Reading

He’s working. I’m working. Would you call this parallel play?
I’ve been crazy busy organizing our life here at Chez Wonder. And, as you well know, organization projects often look worse before they look better… so I’ll spare you the photos of the explosion. There’s something about spring that gets me cleaning out cupboards and organizing shelves, and this spring is no exception despite the winter-like weather.
And what’s up with that?
I’m going to leave you with a few links. Mostly of blogs that have touched me this week, but also a link to a very cool wedding invite.
First up: I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the lovely article written about me and Mireio over on Handmade Spark. Makes a girl all fuzzy!
Tara Gentile (aka Scoutie Girl) Â is talking about support and results over on her blog. While I have a fabulous support system at home, I’ve certainly bumped into my fair share of people who don’t get it. I’m passing this along, in case you are struggling for support in your craft. Go get em!
For those of you who homeschool, I thought this post by Diane Keith over on the Homeschool blog was reassuring. I don’t think it translates well for those of you in the public school system, but  still worth a click if you’re schooling your child in less traditional ways.
I’m love, love, Â loving Katie over at Texas North. Today she writes about hard work and children. Go tell her about your first job!
And finally… don’t you wish you were these people’s friends? Utterly cool wedding invitation. (And if the invitation is this amazing, can you imagine the wedding? I think we should crash it!)
Did you read someone or something amazing today?
Apr 12, 2011 | In Photos

This little entrepreneur made my day. I bought two glasses.
Apr 11, 2011 | It's a Business Thing

Cream goes in your coffee. Not on your walls. I’m breaking my own rules here.
It’s called “Invitation Ivory” by Pratt and Lambert. I’m no fan. But, it’s the color of our trim, so when I decided that the dining room bay needed to be a neutral color for photographs I didn’t have a choice. Plus, I have buckets of this stuff floating around. Win win?
I don’t know. I’m not a fan of cream walls. I subscribe to the “color is better” theory when it comes to interiors. I mean, if you like softer shades and neutrals, I get it. But I think you can still accomplish that look without using straight cream. There’s pale and beautiful, and then there’s bland. Cream is for coffee and trim.
But I’ve also reached my end with product shots. Last year there was a dearth of home decor pillows in Mireio simply because I knew that I had no way of adequately photographing the product once it was made. I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with IZ in the past 3 years that start, “These photographs are driving me crazy!” Â Unless you photograph your work regularly, you probably don’t realize the hours some of us spend on crafting the perfect shot. It can be infuriating. In my case, living on the north coast means a lack of sun on most days. Add to that, a very non-photogenic yellow paint coating the common areas of our home and you get a grumpy Wende.
I want to dispense with the yellow entirely. But it’s a matter of time and money and IZ and I coming to some meeting of the minds on a replacement color scheme. We may need a professional mediator. He’s a visual person, so I have to show him examples of what’s floating around in my head, otherwise it’s a flat, “WHAT? Lilac? Uh, NO.” And he’s completely dismissed my idea of running with my signature blues throughout the house. So, while I scavenge through old magazines and save pennies, I still need a place  to photograph product shots when the light is dim and the dining room bay is my best bet. It’s sunny and scenic and with a fresh coat of paint, not yellow.
While color is beautiful and I think you should live in colors that work for you—my idea of wonderful probably isn’t yours. If IZ’s response to my ideas is any indication! And the golden rule of product shots is to create an environment your customer can imagine being in. I don’t care how amazing the pillow is, or your doodad, if it’s shot against a loud and obnoxious background you’re limiting your customer base to people with YOUR taste. I’m not willing to risk it. Â So, I’m breaking my own rules. Â Hold me closer tiny dancer! It’s freaking me out!
It’s not ideal. But I do think it’s creative. Well, as creative as cream can be. Oh, who am I kidding! I just painted walls cream. Shoot me.
Apr 8, 2011 | Taming Eden

Let’s call this the before shot. (I’m digging out this planter so I can add pea gravel.)
I get shutting down. I’ve certainly done it enough in my lifetime. Life gets too busy, or trauma sets in. Or you find yourself at an impasse, on an intractable side up against an equally unmoving mass. And it’s easier to shut down than to compromise. Put your head down, don’t think about it, move on.
It’s poor form in relationships (I’ve certainly been guilty of this far too many times. I have a brother, with a new baby, who hasn’t spoken to me in 3 years. We’re intractable.) and it’s poor form in home maintenance. A look around Chez Wonder, and it’s a wonder it’s still standing.
I think the stress of the bank last year, along with the pitiful monetary situation created the perfect climate for our utter abandonment of all things domestic. The reasoning, “We have no money anyhow,” while fiscally sound at the time, wasn’t a good long term solution. There are times when it doesn’t pay to skimp—last year was probably one of them.
The money situation isn’t better. Nor is the house. We still wait for answers and paperwork. But, entropy, by its very definition, is no homeowner’s friend. If you don’t keep up with these little chores, they become disaterpieces.
So, IZ and I have drafted a list. A list of things that must be done. I suspect part of impetus is the realization that September is encroaching. Creeping up on us, and with it comes a visit from IZ’s parents. Who have never lived in an “this old house” reality. And part of it that we can no longer ignore the unfinished. It’s screaming at us, “HEY YOU… remember us? The projects you started 4 years ago… AHEM!”
Of course, there is no way to pay for said list. But we’re not letting that stop us. A list is such a small weapon against the onslaught entropy has planned for us. Like lambs to the slaughter, you should pray for our souls. And our soles, because I have a feeling our lack of funds is going to mean being creative. And being creative always equals me on my feet with a shovel in hand.
Apr 4, 2011 | This Life
Observing today: Mothering seems to be a “two steps forward, one step back” proposition. It’s important to keep that in mind, I think, especially as you parent into the teen years. Sometimes, your child isn’t ready to be as independent as they claim. And in our case, I feel like it’s time for a remedial course on time management.
It’s too easy to say, it’s a phase or “welcome to teenagers.” It’s also too restrictive to expect adult behaviour, when so many adults don’t seem to get it either! I’m certainly not the paragon of organization. So, we’re taking a step back together. Because parenting is also a collaborative endeavor. We don’t teach lessons to blank slates; our children have moods and personalities and wills and minds of their own! We learn, or don’t learn, together. Give and take, whether we like it or not!
And so we’re learning that actions do have consequences. Which means he’s grounded. Which means I’m grounded. And we start over. Begin again. Me, more present. Him, less free. Eventually, he’ll get it. And then I’ll have to learn the only solo lesson that parenthood has to offer. . . the lesson of letting go.
Until then, we’re in this together, kid.
Note: I read an amazing post on mothering this morning: if you don’t read Dropped Stitches, you really should!
Apr 2, 2011 | In Photos

Good luck visited the studio today. (we actually rescued about 10 lady bugs that found their way in. But this one was the only black one)
Mar 31, 2011 | Craftastic

An eclectic mix of wonderful!
Today’s coffee date with a friend was rescheduled… but that didn’t stop me from usual Thursday thrift run. What can I say, I’m a bit addicted, but you knew that. . . right?
While combing through the stacks at Goodwill, I had the good fortune to bump into my friend, Sarah Brown. Sarah makes these amazing wallets and tipped me off that she’s introducing Liberty of London to her line. (yay, another convert!) Â Turns out, she’s also now my official “Avon Lady!” and she coming to the rescue in a very timely fashion. Lord knows, my pores are expanding faster than my waistline—and I’m fresh out of magic cleanser to combat that. So, I’m going to give Avon a try and help out a friend. See… win, win. 😀
And I”ll keep you posted on the pore treatments. Because, well, we all obsess a little too much about those, don’t we? Pores and thrifting. Yeah, it’s Thursday.