Feb 2, 2009 | This Life

Several of you who have written and said that you liked these and were sad to have missed out. Well, I thought I’d let you know that I have reserved a few JUST for Evidently readers! There is one listed right now–but if you’d like to reserve a set or two please leave a comment, or convo me on etsy, or email me! I’m happy to save a set for you. They are VERY limited!!
Jan 15, 2009 | This Life

I’m loving Truvia. It’s made from Stevia and is an excellent sugar substitute. Word of caution, though–this stuff is sweet! I use about 1/3 of a package for that great big mug. Which is a good thing, I guess, because it’s a bit pricey. I’m waiting for them to come out with a baking version.
And speaking of sugar, this has been making me giggle for days. Enjoy!
Jan 13, 2009 | This Life

You’re not buying it right? You see, the thing is, I had this whole post written in my head about chairs. I wrote it at 2 in the morning when I couldn’t sleep. It’s thrilling, trust me. Full of all those non sequiturs that come with sleep deprivation. (I also have a post about lubrication, but putting that in the title seemed like a really stupid idea!) And I meant to type it up and post it. But the day got away from me. And then this afternoon, I found myself on the Front Page of Etsy, right before The Best of Etsy was supposed to air. Hundreds of views later, several special orders, and my wee envelopes nearly sold out (one set left, HURRY!), I’m pooped. The post about the chairs will have to wait.
Until then, I thought I’d post a bit of The Best of Etsy. I’ve totally fallen in love with Coqu-usagiuma-maho. Ok, I can’t pronounce it but I’m not letting that stop me! This amazing little shop is a real find, full of stunning wood block prints and original water colors at prices even your economy challenged pocket-book can afford. It’s just the right kind of retail therapy. Fantastic items, terrific customer service, and no guilt trip.
My sweet painting arrived today and I’m completely smitten. It’s still in its protective sleeve until I can have it framed, but I thought I’d post a photo just the same. You know, as a distraction tactic. Is it working? Huh? Huh? Have you noticed that I haven’t posted in ages? Are you ready to forgive me?
Jan 9, 2009 | This Life

I went back to the gym today. Oof.
Jan 5, 2009 | This Life

I don’t have anything but product shots for you today–so product you get. But you have to admit, it’s a very sweet shot. Right?
I’m not sure where my last two weeks went, much less my weekend. Alas, my fortune did not prove true—at least not for this weekend—and I didn’t get to try anything new. Instead, I poured heart and soul into all the finishing details of my next product launch. That means buttons. Lots and lots of buttons. I’m bleary eyed from sewing buttons and there are yet more in front of me.
What follows buttons? Photos. Hundreds of them just today! I managed to finish 2/3 of my outlined projects for January. And I’ve listed about half of that. But I’m walking around all squinty-eyed and wishing for better light. It’s always the same lament.
So, it’s New Year’s and my year has taken off on rocket fuel. How is yours shaping up? Any resolutions? Any big hopes or dreams or desired avoidable regrets? Yeah, I’ll wait for you to re-read that last one. Sleep deprivation makes a girl needlessly wordy.
One of my main goals for this New Year is to get a bit more organized and find some sort of balance to all my assorted endeavors. Change is scary and we all know how I feel about organization, so this should be interesting. I’m looking forward to sharing details with you, but those will wait for another day. Until then, I’m sending you my love.
(ps–I’ve been remiss in responding to comments. But I have read them and I’m smiling! Please keep it up, I promise to get back to responses just as soon as I can see clearly again!)
Dec 27, 2008 | This Life
We woke up Christmas morning blanketed in fresh snow. Such an expanse of white is impossible to resist–coats and hats and gloves and scarves donned, we slipped into the white with glee.
There is something about fresh powder that is magical! The sound of snow beneath your feet is a silence you can almost hear. Soft shuffling, brightly colored snow birds we crunch, crunch, crunch our way. Our neighbors appeared in windows, we waved our Christmas greetings. Silent best wishes for a New Year–best wishes you can almost hear.