Apr 16, 2009 | This Life

I might be back later this evening with words. It’s one of those days—too much to do in the time alloted. I’m racing the fickle Sun which is always stress inducing. I’ve yet to grab a product shot I like, despite the ALL CAPS item on my to-do list! I’m learning that the Sun could not care less about my compulsive need to scratch things off that list. I’ve suggested, politely, that the Universe get with the program. It hailed.
Anyhow,  I thought you might want to see this capture. I shot a few extra frames of just the flowers after dozens of product shots. So, of course, this is the one that belies the fleeting sunlight.Â
What can you do?Â
Apr 15, 2009 | Best of Etsy, This Life

The Fabulous Work of Elin Thomas
It’s Tax Day and I hope you all got yours done early! But whether you’re scrambling last minute or watching the rest of us scramble last minute, The Best of Etsy is promised relief from the drudgery of taxes. And besides, you’ve got a little rebate money coming your way, right? Well, I’ve found a few ways for you to spend it!!
The Best of Etsy — 15 April 2009 — The Tax Man Doesn’t Get the Last Laugh List
The weather here isn’t cooperating, but I’m ready to dress for spring. Lately, the Maxi  dress has caught my imagination and this one is superb!Â
I’m thinking I’ll wear that dress HERE. Ok, I can’t go, but I can buy the photograph!Â
I think we’ve established that I go coo coo for cocoa puffs, I mean pottery. And now, I can wear it!Â
All caps on the description aside, these would be perfect for sipping Ice Tea on the Porch in that dress. You see a theme here. Right? I refuse to let the tax man or the weather impede my delusions.
Athena’s Olive Tree is having a HUGE Sale. And I’m all over anything BEACH.Â
Brand new store! Such a cool concept! Go check out All Things White.Â
And finally, some seriously cool wall art. Still undiscovered, so you can say you saw it here first!Â
So that wraps up this week’s list. Come join me on Twitter today as I RT (retweet) specials and deals for Tax Day. It’s not too early to be thinking about Mother’s Day and Graduations, not to mention Wedding Season. So, find a deal and snatch it up!
Photo used by permission. All rights reserved.Â
Apr 15, 2009 | It's a Dog's Life, This Life

Sophie recharging her Happy Battery
Apr 10, 2009 | This Life

It’s Good Friday and time for me to step away from the computer and be with my family.  May the blessings inherent in the rituals you choose to honor restore you. We step into the darkness of Friday and emerge with new beginnings, fresh perspective, and renewed selves. Sunday is, after all, just around the corner. Â
I’ll be back on Monday with images and words and maybe, some news. May each of you know the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I do wish you all a beautiful holiday weekend.
Apr 9, 2009 | In Photos, This Life

The Ocean waves “Hello!”
The sun reappeared today, after a very soggy start. When that happens, the inhabitants of Chez Wonder are thrown into the inevitable dilemma. Do we take advantage of the fleeting sunlight and get a little more yard work done? (the neighbors are mumbling, again!) Or do we play hooky from weed patrol and head for the beach?
Yeah, it was pretty much a no-brainer.Â