Yeah, That’s Me . . .


A few months back, I sent two travel/spa pillows to my in-laws in a rushed attempt to beat their plane. They were leaving in a few days for a cruise to Greece and I thought Priority mail would get these gems to them in time. I was wrong. That made me kinda sad, but you know, it’s the thought that counts, right?

Fast forward to this afternoon when my 80-ish father-in-law calls to chat with IZ. As he closed off the phone call he says, “Make sure you tell Wende, we love the pillows.”  At this point my mother-in-law can be heard in the background saying, “We carry them from room to room.” And then he continues with, “Yeah, I love mine. I could never watch TV in bed because it hurt my neck, but with this pillow I can watch all the TV I want.”

Yeah, that’s me, contributing to the delinquency of an octogenarian.

Sparkle Power


Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookies

Light is not my friend here, dear people. So, you’ll have to take the boy’s word for it when he tells you that these cookies “sparkle.” It’s just the sugar, catching little bits of fire light I’m sure. But it’s really hard to resist the request, “Hey mom, will you bake some of those sparkly cookies?”

You should also know, in addition to being sparkly, these cookies are a panacea for all that ails you. Whether you’ve succumbed to your inner 12 year old (or outer as the case might be!) and slacked off on all your responsibilities so that your mother has a mini-melt down upon viewing the state of your bedroom floor.

Or, you’ve embraced your inner 3 year old (or outer 40 as the case might be!) and melted-down over things not going your way and wishing JUST ONCE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, you could see your kid’s floor.

Or you’re just the guy stuck between these two forces of nature, wishing you could hide under the kid’s bed like the dog, except you’re afraid of what might be underneath the kid’s bed by the state of his floor.

It doesn’t matter. These cookies will make you feel better. They will make you smile and laugh and apologize and vow to do better in the future. How do they do it? They have Sparkle Power. And really, that’s hard to argue with too. Recipe on the flip.


I’ve Been a Very Bad Blogger


But I’ve been a really good business owner. After three days of tedious work, I can see the floor and my studio is organized. You have to take the small victories where you can get them! (And darn if the Universe didn’t reward me with 3 sales on the very day I finished reorganizing)

I’ll be back Monday with a yummy recipe from Chez Wonder PLUS links to some amazing recipes from the blogosphere that I just have to try! Until then, you can click and admire all my hard work.


I’m Probably Over-Caffeinated


And I’m drinking decaf!

The lighting in our 1990’s wallpapered kitchen is pathetic. But since I refuse to shoot with a flash, you’ll have to put up with this blurry shot of my new love. It arrived yesterday and I’m already over-caffeinated.

A Little Nutty


It’s a little nutty. . .

This is not a real post. It’s just a little note to tell you all, it’s nutty around here at the moment. Wednesday, The Best of Etsy was RT (retweeted) on Twitter by ETSY!! And then they followed that exposure by featuring my Acorn Sachets on the front page yesterday. This is fabulous news. All that exposure created lots of custom orders and that means I’m up to my eyeballs making, wait for it, nuts. Then today, the acorns were featured on another blog and I promptly sold out!

< Insert panicked breathing here>

I feel like a character in a Jane Austen novel or maybe on Grey’s Anatomy.

I hate custom orders: I cannot be sold out! I over ordered for this season! I love custom orders: How is this possible? Sold out, woohoo! I hate custom orders: Oh no. What if I can’t find more acorn caps in time? Whatever will I do?  I love custom orders: People are so cool. No, seriously. Cool!  I hate custom orders: Wait. I can’t breathe. . . someone  call George O’Malley to revive me. I might need mouth-to-mouth!  I hate Grey’s Anatomy: wait, they killed off  George!

</ let’s just end the inner dialog here. M’kay? Because you know I could go on like this all night! >

So, this is not a real post. It’s just a little note to say I’m thinking about you all! And in between channeling my inner oak tree (that sounds dirty!) and sourcing new acorn caps (I refuse to be sold out for long!) and answering the backlog of emails (no, your email is not going to my spam filter), and starring in my own pre-tend movie show (I threw that in to see if you actually read)  I promise to squeeze in a post or two in the next day or so.  I  think I’ll start by posting a new autumnal drink recipe I think you’re going to love.

That’s right, I said alcohol. See, the faithful are rewarded. Well, they will be tomorrow. Until then, sleep tight all you crazy people who just LOOOOVE Autumn.


I’m not the only one nuts around here! And who does that Shonda Rimes think she is, killing off George?
