That’s A Lot of Ifs


Easter candy I stole borrowed from the boy.

Did you have an amazing holiday weekend? It was wet here and dark and gloomy and basically Oregon in April.

As most of you know, Iz and I sit down and have mochas together every morning. It’s a way of touching bases. You would think two people who both work from home already spend enough time together, but we really cherish our ritual. We talk about last night’s dreams (he has apocalyptic dreams, I have sex dreams. We might need therapy!) and our plans for the upcoming day. We review what happened while I slept (he’s up early, early for work. I sleep best alone) and sometimes we just savor each other’s company in silence.

If it’s a weekend, our coffee time tends to stretch out across the morning. And on those days I have time to wake up and wind up and oh boy. IZ gets treated to all the sermons on my mind. I stand in the kitchen trying to talk over the espresso machine—I get a little angsty. He listens with that bemused smile on his face—and I’ll give him credit, he multi-tasks well. “You know, here’s what I’m thinking I should blog about today. . . ” and I’m off!

Problem is, if IZ endures a sermon blog post from me then it’s highly unlikely that I’ll actually blog on the topic. Despite my orally crafting sentences and themes and putting it all together in a logical fashion. Sometimes these little rants of mine come out completely formed and sometimes, I stand there sifting through the mire chucking  boulders for the splash,

“I’m thinking about “unfriending” half the people I know on Facebook. That’s a good hook, right?”

“What do you mean I’m being hyperbolic? I do too think it should be illegal for 20 somethings to give  marriage advice.”

“What? I can’t say that on the blog? IT’S MY BLOG and I don’t think Jesus would mind.”

“What readers? I can’t alienate readers I don’t have.”

“If you didn’t want me to blog about how you used the force to remove my bra, you shouldn’t have done it. There should be some compensation for living with a man who thinks he has jedi powers.”

And that’s all before I get my cofffee! It’s not that he talks me out of anything. It’s more like I talk myself into boredom on the topic (or in the  case of the jedi mind tricks, laugh myself into an asthma fit!). But it does make me wonder if I’d blog more if we didn’t have coffee together on the weekends.

That’s a lot of ifs.

Just Like His Father

in the studio with G

He’s stylish and talks in code

Today’s much anticipated wind storm turned out to be milder than Monday’s gale. It’s blowing, but it’s not urgent. It’s the kind of weather that says, “Stay at home, your house is a pit and needs cleaning anyhow.” Yes, there is that kind of weather and it sounds just like your mother.

So,  I spent the afternoon straightening up my studio and making room for this kid.  He’s taken up residence on the far end of my working table. I now have vacuumed floors, relatively clean surfaces,  and I understand that in php real numbers can be substituted by text. I’m using “understand” loosely here because I really have no idea what that means.

He’s stylish. And he talks in code. Just like his father.

Bad Wolf


Before the wind blows . . .

I’m waiting for the wind to blow down my house. Bad wolf! So, I snuck outside and took a photo of my lovely crabapple trees while they’re still in bloom. Because come this time tomorrow, my lawn is likely to be sprinkled with the carnage of sweet white blossoms and pink buds. BAD WOLF!

I should write more here. And I might, later. But until then, you can suffer through another pretty flower picture. My blog.


I’ve managed to condense the last 2 weeks of my life into 2.5 minutes. I know that’s an eternity in the video world; but, I have to tell you, it represents so much more. And I’m really proud of it! This is just phase one of Mireio’s Spring line and I promise not to bug you with any more commercials after this one. But go look, ok? And listen. And click the last button when the video is done because technology is really  cool. And so is hard work.

Moments (A Long Post Where Wende Plays Catch-up)


The ironing board in my studio piled up with fabric for the spring/summer line and neglected camellias from yesterday’s photo-shoot.

This week has felt like a “moment”… passing with far more speed than I expected. Why is that? All I know is that I when I logged onto this blog today, I was a bit shocked at how long it’s been since I last posted. And that seems to happen more and more lately.

So, what have you been up to? As you can see from the photo above, I’m attempting to ramp up for the Spring/Summer line. It’s going slower than I expected. (Sensing  a trend yet?) Of course, I compound matters when I decide last minute (today!) to add a Liberty of London line. Oh. My. For those of you who aren’t addicted to fabric, Liberty is a feast for the eyes and a big old drain on the pocket book. But, they just screamed “Mireio” and honestly, if Target can do it, so can I. Right?

Anyhow, I ordered yet more fabric this morning with the help of IZ (you have no idea how hard it is to choose!!), which means the shop update will be a bit prolonged. Not what I expected, but I’m learning to adapt my rhythms to this ever so cranky muse of mine. She’s a handful, people. I think she might need medication. Just sayin’.


Sunshine on My Front Porch


I’m such a lucky girl!!

Sunshine arrived on my porch today in the form of a box crammed full of these amazing jewels. Because isn’t  that what citrus is, bright, shiny orbs of amazing?  Much love to the fabulous Ms. Suzy Lorenzen for sending a piece of California to me for my birthday. How did you know? It’s just what I needed!

And to the rest of you, who have left such funny and endearing comments wishing me well as I enter this new decade: Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, I adore you all. I’m very fortunate to have such amazing friends and readers.

(and for those of you who have been betting against me on Facebook, HELLO! Day Nine and I’m still breathing!)