Mar 28, 2011 | This Life

Management has declared a moratorium on face shots.
Gah. It’s a Monday. Witness:
- After prematurely weighing in last night and getting all giddy about a 3lb weight loss, I discovered that the scale wasn’t set properly. Hello 1 lb loss this morning. I’m not complaining… exactly. But that’s 1 lb in a MONTH. Â Which has me seriously considering a legal name change to “Tortoise.”
- My child. Oh… my child. My facebook status this morning read: “Monday Mothering is always such drama.” I’m underplaying that, folks. Homeschooling is like regular schooling when it comes to Monday. You spend all day undoing the nasty habits built up over a weekend. In terms of schooling, Monday tends to be a net loss for the week.
Mar 25, 2011 | This Life

This photo did not run in my local paper. . . . but it could have. That counts, right? What? No? Hey! My blog, my delusion!
Kiss me, I’m not famous. But I have fabulous friends.
What did run in the online version of our local paper is this; Astoria Mom Finds Success Online. It’s a wonderful article written by Sheila of and it posted on Wednesday. And when I found out about it on Thursday, I promptly spammed my Facebook friends.
Hey, look, I’m in the local paper.
And my friends, bless their hearts, spammed back. While I have a feeling that the article won’t make the print version, I’m not sure it would be as exciting as seeing people you love and who love you, tirelessly “recommending” the article all over their Facebook streams. It was local girl makes good for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon, and I felt the love people. I felt the love.
I also shamelessly printed out a copy of the article for Mother-in-law. Who will crow to all her friends who don’t  even know me. Because I may be 41, but I’ve not outgrown parental pride. Good thing I married into some!
Anyhow, I’m just sending a little shout out to my friends for all their support. You people really do represent. (I don’t know what that means, exactly, but let’s run with it.) And I adore you for it!
On a totally different note: I have photos up of my newest refashioning project over on Mireio.
Mar 23, 2011 | This Life

My tea bag is mocking me.
Yeah… so a time bomb went off in my body. Everybody talks about how it’s all down hill after 40. I used to think that was all hyberbole. Now I know, they were under selling it. THOSE people should be shot for not scaring the hell out of me in my thirties. As I tend to read the L.A. Times for information, I’ll just blame them. Shame on you L.A. for not warning me better that my body was going to fall apart EXACTLY at 40. Rude!
Click, creak, click, click… oh let’s go to the ER for no good reason but we like being poor. . . pop a pill, pop a vitamin, oh my aching back, um where’s my period. . . or there it is, nice of you to join the party. . .wait, what were we talking about?. . . Â click,creak, click, click. . . repeat.
Stupid time bomb. If you don’t think your life is run by hormones, you’re probably a boy.
Where was I? OH YEAH… I’ve lost my perimenopausal mind. In terms of mental processing, I’ve always been what professionals call a nonlinear thinker. (abstract random) But I usually get to my point and I typically can keep that point in focus even as I’m bouncing from topic to topic verbally. Tangental thinkers make great writers and preachers and parents who lecture you to pieces when pushed. Â However, there’s a huge difference between weaving 6 different topics into a conversation and pouring yourself a cup of tea and walking away from it, into a completely different room and forgetting that cup of tea for hours.
What? Example:
Last week I was cleaning up melting pots. I popped one into the freezer, because it had unscented wax, I figured why waste water… just use the cold method. Then I cleaned my other two scented pots. That took maybe 5 minutes. And as I was finishing up the second I thought to myself, “I need to clean that third pot. I wonder where it is.”
I’d completely forgotten that I’d put it in the freezer. I turned the house upside down trying to remember where it could be. Didn’t I just have a few minutes ago? I didn’t find it until IZ opened the freezer hours later and handed it to me.
I’m ready to start popping pills to alleviate the symptoms from the other pills I’m already popping. I’m ready to groan when I get out of a chair. I already spend too much money on wrinkle cream and hair dye. What I’m not ready to lose is what I have left of my mind.
Which brings me to this blog. I’ve been meaning to blog for days. Â There was something on my mind, but then I lost it.
And while I was trying to figure out how to end this, Pandora loaded The Pixies’ “Where is My Mind” —Sometimes, you just have to let the Universe have the last word:
With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But there’s nothing in it
And you’ll ask yourself,
Where is my mind? ~~The Pixies
And you’ll ask yourself. . . where is my mind, where is my mind, where is my mind?
Mar 14, 2011 | This Life
Usually I save the punch line for last. You know, drag you through a few 1200 words to deliver the goods or at least something that will explain the title.
Yeah, not today.
I watched the season premier of “Sister Wives” tonight and I had an epiphany. I think I might be a blogging polygamist. Why have two blogs when you can have three? I mean, plural works for Kody Brown. It might work for me too. I opened up Evidently and began writing. You can blame the fundamentalist Mormons for what follows.
The time off from this blog was therapeutic. Despite the fact I started another blog within days of turning this one off; my reasons for taking a break stand. I felt a bit hemmed in here. Trapped by my own voice, or lack of it.
Understanding that requires a bit of history. Ok, a lot of history. I’m making up for lost ground after all.
Dec 28, 2010 | This Life

Au Revoir 2010. Bonne chance dear friends!
I’m taking a (long awaited) break from blogging to focus on new endeavors in 2011. My sincerest gratitude to those of you who accompanied me on this journey. Your friendship has sustained me and I wish you all the best in everything you do!
Dec 2, 2010 | This Life

I’m counting it a huge win that the tree is bought, inside, and up as today is only the 2nd. We’re going live this year, since our artificial tree died this summer from a case of mold. I’m hoping this Frasier will open up a bit more so I can shape it up a bit. I think we’ll wait to put on the twinkle lights and hope that happens.
Speaking of which, we had to buy  new ones (see dead artificial tree above) and the boy and I tried desperately to talk IZ into blue lights this year. Nothing doing. We were informed in very stern Danish tones, that  Christmas lights aren’t negotiable, “Red lights outside, white lights inside. That’s the way we’ve always done it.”  Then he gave us that look that informed us were C.R.A.Z.Y for thinking anything else. Here I thought I was being all traditional with a real tree, since my first impulse was to find a vintage silver one. Or better yet, a flocked one! Apparently, there are rules about these things. Danish rules. Why am I just now cluing into this fact?
However, looking at that photo above, I will concede it was probably a good idea to choose white against all the yellow in the room. Â But that doesn’t mean we let him have an easy win. Poor IZ has endured an entire day of, “What did blue ever do to YOU?” and “What exactly do you have against blue, anyway?” It’s the price he pays for avoiding a very public hissy fit in Fred Meyer.
And all this talk of blue lights has me thinking it might be time to paint over this yellow to a more blue (and photography) friendly color. You know, for next year. Because if Halloween teaches us nothing each year, it’s that those cheap import twinkle lights have very short life spans. This year’s twinkle lights will need to be replaced eventually. It may not be a blue Christmas this year, but 2011 already has promise.