Feb 13, 2012 | This Life

What I did this weekend. I think.
That big sucking sound you hear is me:
How was your weekend? Mine felt like it was in a time warp. . . like time was speeding by and I was barely moving. It just took so much longer to get things done than I expected.
So what took so long?
A tedious trip to the craft store. JoAnn’s has opened up a much larger store across the bridge. Which would make a girl think, or made this girl think, that finding fabrics to match her custom dye colors would be a breeze. It was not. I should have known better after last week’s dismal trip to match ribbon to Liberty of London fabric. Just call me delusional. I walked around and around the fabric department muttering under my breath while pushing one of those ridiculously small carts. There were 2 dozen bolts of ballerina pink fabric and no plum to be found. Why is that? After what seemed like a lifetime scouring the organza offerings, it dawned on me while standing at the cutting counter. I should have just dyed my own fabric.
I’m pretty sure at the moment time whizzed past me and I lost a few hours.
And then there was the door. I’ve decided to use the old door in our new bathroom for a backdrop, hoping the light in the space will create the kind of photographs I want. It’s strange, but the best light in the house this time of year is in our bathroom. It’s a difficult space to shoot in, I suspect I’ll be standing in our tub for most of session. I just can’t ignore that light. However, the door was left unpainted and was in pretty bad shape, so before any photographs could be taken, I had to paint.
TIME WARP. I don’t even know where Saturday went. I have a painted door. But that’s all I can give you. I think IZ and I may have walked that day, but the rest is a blur. Â Does that ever happen to you? You just lose time. Â . . like, now, maybe, reading this post? I’m sorry. You can’t have your 10 minutes back.
Post Script: On a completely different note. . . I’m super excited to finally be listing new slips at Mireio. The custom colors are so beautiful. . . muted and sexy and really different than anything I’ve done before. I mean, there are FEATHERS. Stay tuned.
Feb 10, 2012 | A House A Home, This Life

Friday night ritual: lots and lots of water. And candles. And an icy cold Manhattan if I can cajole IZ to make one for me while I’m soaking.
This has become my Friday night ritual. The water is just beginning to fill the tub in this photo, but trust me, I push the water line as far as I can. It’s this little indulgence that keeps me sane.
And NO, there’s not a picture of me in the tub on principle.That and because I’m super scared of dropping my camera in a tub full of sudsy water. In real life, IZ says I’m a total exhibitionist.
Really? What was your first clue? My ten year old personal blog?
Still, no nudie photos for y’all.
Do you have a ritual to help keep you sane?
Feb 7, 2012 | This Life

Me: What’s that box?
IZ: Your birthday present. The question is, when should I let you open it.
Me: Now now now!
IZ: Really? I just don’t want you to be disappointed when your birthday comes and there’s nothing else.
Me: I won’t be, I promise. Besides, I know what’s in it.
IZ: How do you know?
Me: I just do.

Me: I’ll prove it. I’ll write what I think it is on a piece of paper. On this napkin, see. And you can look at it after I open the box.
IZ: You’re jumping around like a little kid. Ok. Open the box.
Feb 6, 2012 | This Life

Time keeps on slipping. . . (finish that lyric.)
Checking In:
Remember this list? I’ll confess, I still haven’t come up with a “theme” for 2012—so it looks like I’ll just run with my list of Non-New Year’s Resolutions and scratch it off my to-do list. So, let’s check in on that list.
Feb 2, 2012 | This Life

This Auntie business is serious fun.
Really. Can’t help myself. I went into Freddy’s for a  birthday card (which I did manage to remember) and found myself in the baby department. I immediately spied this adorable play set that said, “My Auntie thinks I’m Awesome.” Perfection. Except it had ruffles and flowers and was clearly meant for a girl. Um, kinda think nephew’s parents would not approve. I thought about buying it just the same and sending it along with a note that said, “Um, more babies please. I’d like a girl next.” But I should probably reserve that level of obnoxiousness for my own child. In the future.
FAR in the future.
So, I bought this set instead. I mean, it’s not quite the same sentiment, but it does have a futbol on it so, that counts for something. But it makes me sad that there wasn’t a boy’s outfit with the other saying on it. And I’ve spent the afternoon vacillating between wanting to write an angry letter to Carter’s for their clear bias toward girls and wanting to design my own baby line.
Seriously. I’ve waited forever to do this and I can’t help myself. Is there a support group for doting Aunties out there?
Jan 26, 2012 | This Life, Thrifty Goodness

Back to our regularly scheduled content. . .
I’m glad y’all had a good laugh with me yesterday. My not real list of New Year’s Resolutions is providing blog fodder, at least. And the in the case of yesterday’s post, a Christmas Card photo? Heh, who am I kidding, I don’t send Christmas Cards. Aren’t you relieved.
I know I said I would stop buying unframed art until I framed the stack piling up in my studio. But. . . but. . .but surely original watercolors found at ridiculously low prices at the Goodwill shouldn’t count, right? Â And how could I pass up this little thing, it had a green tag and green tags were 50% off. COME ON. . . Original Art + Deep Discount = Wende breaks her promise.
Sue me.
What tipped the scales (though, I was probably going to buy it anyhow) was that the back was inscribed with a title: Summerland Morning. Â For those of you who don’t know it, Summerland is a little surfing town directly adjacent to Santa Barbara. Though we’ve not been home in 3 years, it’s never far from our thoughts. Palm trees and sunshine, these are the visions that keep us moving forward.
And Summerland is special. Like Gelson’s and Butterfly beach, it’s on our must do list whenever we make it home. Â We have a favorite breakfast place there, a favorite burger joint, and we stop for coffee at the local art house cafe on our way out of town to take in the view, one last time before we journey north.
I miss home most in the winter. So, this was a little gift  from the Universe. Hey, even the Universe is a good shopper.
Original watercolor “Summerland Morning” by Sally Bailey.