Aug 24, 2003 | Boy Wonder
In the back of the car… On the way to Rodeo beach…
Boy Wonder: WELL! The last time I was here I saw this guy with no pants or underwear just a shirt!
(round of giggles)
Adam: Really? WELL… I saw my little sister naked once…
Boy Wonder: Yeah??? WELL… one time someone told me that they SLEEP naked!
(hysterical laughter, small children falling over in their car seats)
Oh… to be six again!
Jul 22, 2003 | Boy Wonder
A few photos from the budding photographer in the family.
Jul 15, 2003 | Boy Wonder
~~Too tired to write tonight or hunt up interesting things on-line to post. I just had a strange experience getting out of the shower only to discover I was not alone. (the six year old was trying to wrangle out of wet clothes–the same six year old who insisted on drinking bottles of water before bed despite the warning that he would indeed find that a HUGE mistake in judgment in a few hours.) Needless to say, I managed to get dressed (in a t-shirt that says “Sleepless in Seattle”), get the kid in the shower and change out his bed (not to mention the obligatory rant along the lines of “You know, this is EXACTLY what your father was trying to tell you… Do you WANT to sleep in a wet bed? NO? Good, then who is going to pay attention and do as he is instructed tomorrow night? Hmmm???”) Apparently, I’m in charge here. And apparently, my child possesses that not so rare gene that prohibits the taking of good advice in preference for learning the hard way. Who knows, I should probably consult his nine year old girlfriend, Chloe, as to how she keeps his attention. Second thought, I might not want to know. Sheesh!
So, I’m going to bed now. I think I deserve it, don’t you?
Feb 18, 2003 | Boy Wonder
Another Small Child Moment
>Back story: Iz and small child were “discussing” what he is and isn’t allowed to do outside (ie… no, you can’t take flowers from other people’s planters and plant them in yours, no you can’t dig up seeds from other people’s planters and plant them in yours). In frustration, Boy Wonder says, “fine, then, I’ll just use rocks in my planter.”
A bit later he comes inside and says, “I’m not going to use Rocks afterall..” Iz asks why not, and Boy Wonder says, “Because if they get mad at you they have weapons!” LOL (in case you missed it, read “iraq” for “rocks”)
Jan 28, 2003 | Boy Wonder
Quote of the Day:
IZ: “ok, kiddo so, at 6 pm there is a tv show I am going to watch.”
Small child: “Why?”
IZ: “Because the President is going to talk about why we might be going to war, and I want to hear his reasons.”
Small child: “BUT WE LIVE FOR PEACE! …”
****note: when I asked small child how he knew that he said… “Remember, with liberty and justice for all… I know that means PEACE!” At least ONE George tonight is talking sense!
Aug 6, 2002 | Boy Wonder
One of my favorite sites to visit these days is In Passing…And, in omage to this glorious site, I have decided to share few conversations I’ve had recently with my small child. Who, by the way, is 5 (and a HALF!) going on 14! It’s a difficult thing to be the mother of a “DUDE”!
“Shut-up and Kiss Me!”
Boy Wonder: “Mom?”
Me: “Yeah?”
Boy Wonder: “Is ‘Shut-up and kiss me’ a good thing to say?”
Me: (nearly spewing coffee) “Uh… NO! Where did you hear that anyway?”
Boy Wonder: “Oh, on Disney!”
Me: (dialing the cable company to cancel our service) “Well, despite that, it’s not a nice thing to say!”
Boy Wonder: (thinking…) “Well, can I say it when I’m an adult?”
Me: sigh… “No… ok… now can I drink my coffee and wake up first?”
You need further proof: witness this!
“Dude Food”
Boy Wonder: “Uh, mom?
Me: “Yeah?”
Boy Wonder: “Do Dudes eat Peatnut Butter and Jelly sandwiches?”
Me: “uh… yeah! Of course!”
Boy Wonder: “ALL dudes, or just some of them?”
Me: “If their mother’s pack pb&j, then yes, I suppose some of them do!”
Boy Wonder: “Are you SURE they don’t eat Dude Food?”
Me: “What exactly would you mean by ‘Dude Food’?”
Boy Wonder: “I don’t know…”
Me: “Can you give me an example?”
Boy Wonder:” No, but when we are at the store next time I will look and if I see ‘Dude Food’ then I will point it out and say, ‘Look! There’s DUDE FOOD’… is that a deal?”
Me: “Sounds like a plan.”
“Dude Hair”
In the backseat of the car…
Boy Wonder: “Mom, do you think I have ‘Dude Hair’?”
Me: “Uh… Yeah!”
Boy Wonder: “I don’t know, I’m not sure it has enough spikes!”
**his hair was spiked all over his head covered in BLUE holding gel. And he wanted to know if he looked like a “DUDE”… sheesh! For the record… he took a bath later on that night and the blue ran all down his face giving him a fair resemblence to Mel Gibson in “BraveHeart”… Now, THERE, was a DUDE!