

This photo was taken around 6 am this morning on my deck. It’s a bit blurry, because, hey, it was 6 am and I’m blurry at that hour. Boy Wonder has discovered the joy of watching the sun rise over the Columbia River. My boy is a true Lark. Being the owl that I am, I’m no fan of sunrises. However, it’s not hard to see why he is:


He’s decided, after two days of sunrises to make this a once a month thing. Note to self: teach the boy to make espresso.


While listening to Offering Chant by Lama Gyurme off the Planet Chant Cd, Boy Wonder asked, “Mom, does this ever play at church?”

“No,” I replied. This intern would be run out of town for suggesting it!

“Well, maybe it should. You know, during the worship time–we could not say anything and just pray to God.”

(Don’t mind me while I do a little happy dance because my kid gets it–sadly, more than most my parishoners!)

Go have a listen–you’ll see what he means.


conversation on our way to buy a rake. The rake has nothing to do
with it–but I thought you might be as relieved as my neighbors to know
I now own one.

Boy Wonder: Ooh… Mom… that coffee stand is called “Kick Ass Coffee.”
Me: Yes, sadly, it is. However, I would appreciate you not using that expression.
Boy Wonder: Hey, I was just wondering why anyone would name their
business that–there are 7 year olds who can read, you know! . . . And
it’s not even appropriate for me, and I’m Nine!
Me: You’re Nine? Oh, I thought you were 40.
Boy Wonder: No, if I was 40 I could set my own bed time and I could self-monitor how much candy I eat in a day.

ha haa haa haa haa. The boy is an optimist.


The Power of Chocolate

Me: (unwrapping a Dove chocolate)
Boy Wonder: What does it say?
Me: (reading the “fortune” in the wrapper) It says, “Don’t listen to nine year olds–they lie.”
Boy Wonder: That’s insulting to children!
Me: That’s what it says–and only really insulting to nine year olds.


Boy Wonder: Well, now that you mention it, there is something you should know.
