Jun 27, 2011 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Seven: My Spiritual Director shared the following with me today, as a way of closing our time together. I’m sharing it with you, as a way of closing out this first week of Summer.
A Blessing for Equilibrium
Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the music of laughter break through your soul.
As the wind wants to make everything dance,
May your gravity be lightened by grace.
Like the freedom of the monastery bell,
May clarity of mind make your eyes smile.
As water takes whatever shape it is in,
So free may you be about who you become.
As silence smiles on the other side of what’s said,
May a sense of irony give you perspective.
As time remains free of all that it frames,
May fear or worry never put you in chains.
May your prayer of listening deepen enough
To hear in the distance the laughter of God.
~ John O’Donohue ~
Jun 26, 2011 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Six: Spent the better part of yesterday and all of today, pruning back the honeysuckle hedge to give the mingled roses some breathing room. This was an unplanned casualty.
Jun 25, 2011 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Five: Starting our day together.
Jun 24, 2011 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Four: Me and my garden Keens on the porch steps waiting to walk with IZ. I’m posting this photo of my well worn  porch steps because I’m hoping this is the summer I’ll actually get to painting them.
Jun 23, 2011 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Three: Oops. I was supposed to make pizza tonight. But I lost track of time, absorbed in a new project; so IZ was compelled to whip up left-overs. And by whipped-up, I mean ridiculously good pesto encrusted, roasted chicken with parmesan rice. Yum!
Jun 22, 2011 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Two: The best part of my day is driving this kid to youth group and back. We always have such amazing conversations.