Aug 14, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Fifty-five: 80 degrees and Salsa Verde!
Salsa Verde
2 Cups of Italian Parsley — ITALIAN, not normal… or you will cry. Take it from me.
2 Tbs Capers
4 Anchovies
2 -3 Â Garlic cloves (2 if you like less of a kick, 3 if you like to live on the wild side.)
2 Tbs of Red Wine Vinegar — Use to soak 1-2 pieces of italian bread w/o the crust
1 tsp of Dijon
1/2 of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Ok… put all these ingredients into a food processor and whip the bejezzus out of it. Seriously, whip it good. Then try not to make a total pig of yourself slathering it on bread.
Oh, and it’s good as a mayo substitute. Just sayin’.
Recipe courtesy of my lovely Mother in Law
Aug 13, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Fifty-four: I’m feeling a bit tangled.
I’m still sorting out our camping gear, remembering important birthdays a day later than I should, catching up with IZ and the blogosphere, and attempting to find my groove after a lovely time away. Oh, and sleeping. Wow, I was tired!
The good news is that the sun has arrived just in time for Regatta. And I have a feeling that after a few days of charging my solar battery, I’ll be fine. Heck, I even went for a run tonight—after I put in a 2 mile hill walk with IZ!
So, tonight,  I’ll just  say a belated but heartfelt Happy 54th birthday, on this 54th day of Summer, to one of my favorite people on the planet.” You know I love you! And clearly the Universe does too… sending us this lovely weather to help celebrate! Happy Birthday, Margaret.
Aug 12, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer
Day Fifty-three: Camping at Cape Disappointment. We hiked, we ate, we hiked some more. We pitched out “tent” and roasted marshmallows and had an amazing time.
Aug 11, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Fifty-two: Ready. . . Set. . . Go! See you on the other side.
Aug 10, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Fifty-one: But I love it! Only, he doesn’t look 13 anymore. Uh oh.
Aug 9, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer

Day Fifty: A quickly snapped photo of my clean studio. Because when I thought about taking a photo for the blog earlier in the day, my sub-conscience immediately said, “Not Now!”
It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks. Between Mireio’s 2nd Anniversary and Sale and then all the prepping for today’s launch of the Early Fall line, I’ve been in “Not now mode.”
“Wende, do you want to eat  dinner?” “Mom, will you look at this?” “What should I do with the clean laundry in the dryer?”  “Hey sweetie, wink, wink. . . ”
Not. Now! Â I think it might be tattooed on my forehead. It’s been this phantom refrain in my mind for the past month. Should I source for the Holiday line? Not now. I need to prep for a garage sale. Not now. I really need to do something with the plant I bought 2 weeks ago. Not now. It gets old, quickly. Sadly, it seemed the only way to get through everything that was on my NOW list. Take a number people!
But as of this evening, I’m officially off “not now” time. I managed to get most of the Early Fall line listed today and all the Sale orders packaged and shipped. While there is more to create and photograph and the inevitable re-shoots if the sun should ever deign to show up — I’m feeling good about what I’ve accomplished in the past few weeks! It’s looking decidedly “fallish” in Mireio. I even managed to restore some semblance of order to the studio. No, that’s not the second sign of the apocalypse, so you can stop mocking me already.
Sometime during my “not now” phase, I did manage  to go online and book a camping site for Wednesday night. We’re not going far and it’s just an overnight trip  but I’m taking my sweet boy camping. Just the two of us. He’s been extremely patient and dealing with his own turmoil. Apparently  being sick and taking exams aren’t on his “things to do this summer” list. However, “Camping” is, and I’m making that happen—even if for just one night. He’s endured so many “not nows” I’m looking forward to a break and a chance to reconnect.
So, I’ve promised that right after we get his hair cut tomorrow (oh yeah, I managed to schedule that too!) we will sit down, plot our gluttony, and prep for our little adventure. He’s over the moon. And so am I. I see a lot of “NOW!” in our near future.