61/94: Muscles I Didn’t Know I Had


Day Sixty-one: Painting

Me: (wobbling out of bed this morning) Oof… everything aches!

IZ: Well, painting is a full body work-out.

Me: I had no idea!

IZ: Tthink about it. . . have you have ever seen a fat painter?

The man makes a point. I’m thinking there could be a new work-out/home-improvement video tape in this somewhere!

60/94: In Lieu of Blackberries


Day Sixty: We’re still waiting on blackberries out here in the grey, so it’s hard to say if Jam will ever happen this summer. However,  we’re happy to munch on some imported Pears. You know, from sunny California!

59/94: La Vie En Rose

Day Fifty-Nine: Life is beautiful.

Something a bit different, today. I’ve been busy cleaning so, no photo. But I thought you’d love to see and listen and really, experience this. Her name is Wende Snijders and she is something to behold.

Anyhow, life is beautiful. Even on cleaning day.

58/94: Chop Chop


Day Fifty-eight: A long over-due hair cut. Shorter but still just as fly-away as ever. Any product recommendations to combat the humidity?