
What’s a mother to do? I’ve been so tired this Season, that I’ve had little energy to bake. Normally with Boy Wonder’s birthday party coming early in the month I bake a birthday cake of his choice but his choice is always coconut. As he only had a sleepover this year and his buddy is hypoglycemic we opted for no-sugar snacks instead of cake. However, in my blurry condition I didn’t even see it coming. I was completely ill-prepared for the inevitable query.

Boy Wonder: “So, for my cake I would like coconut, ok?”

Me: “Yeah, see… as it’s so close to Christmas and we are baking pies and cookies tomorrow—I kinda thought we could skip the old baking of the cake deal this year.”

Boy Wonder: “Well, could you make me a cupcake instead?”

Me: “If you bake one, you must bake a dozen. Too much cake. How about a birthday sundae? We have ice cream!”

Boy Wonder: “If you put it with cake!”

And so it went. At one point I think I might have even suggested a “Birthday Donut”. I finally agreed that since I had to run to the grocery store anyhow I would look about and see what I could come up with—no promises.

Imagine my glee when Safeway had a petite coconut cake! It is a season of miracles after all! I snatched that puppy up and sashayed back home with my equally petite pink box. So what if it’s not homemade. Right? I mean, some cake is better than no cake…and I just couldn’t face the kitchen today. If that had been the last of my blunders, you wouldn’t really have cause to smirk, “Bad, Mommy” at me. Please remember as you read further… I’m REALLY tired!



When I left the store, I thought we had a package of swirly candles at home. Evidently, what we had was an assortment of numbered candles that miraculously added up to 10. Boy Wonder didn’t bat an eyelash. He took one look at his cake and said in a creaky voice, “I’m 244 years old but I’m still here to eat my cake!” He then slumped over and pretended to walk with a cane to the table.

And with that… we ate birthday cake.
