See this kid?


Yeah, he’s mine. He’s nearly 10 and that beret he has on… it belongs to me. This is a problem I should not be facing considering his gender. Heck, I was kinda counting on stealing his clothes in the future.

This all started yesterday when I loaned him, loaned him that beret to go outside because he couldn’t locate his own hat fast enough and was worried his snow would melt away before he found it. That and it was freakin’ early in the morning, I’d not had my coffee yet, so I wasn’t exactly amenable to looking for his hat. I grabbed mine and said, “Here.”

“Will this make me look like a girl?” He asked standing in front of the hallway mirror.

“Um, you always look like a girl.” (Hey, I’d not had my coffee yet, cut a girl some slack)

“Yeah, I know, but does it REALLY make me look like a girl?”

I surveyed my son and told him truthfully, “Yeah, pretty much.”

“That’s ok,” he grins, “I’m the only kid out there right now and I know I’m a boy. And you always say that!”

“What do you expect with hair that long. You gonna cut your hair?”

“Nope!” and out he went to move mountains of snow. Ok, inches of snow. Work with me here, people.

So, this afternoon rolls around and there is still snow. He still can’t find his hat, and as he dons mine he gives me that grin. I swear, he enjoys messing with people.

“That hat looks good on you, kiddo, ” I start.

“Yeah! I think so too. So, you gonna donate it to me?” His grin is getting wide now.

“Well, you do look pretty cool in it.”

“I KNOW! But are you going to donate it to me?” Presses my future Goodwill employee of the month.

“Hmm… I don’t know. That’s my beret.”

“Yeah, but you have your red one. The one dad bought you. You don’t need this one too!”

“You’re really digging that hat, aren’t you?”

“Uh-huh, so, can I have it?” At this point the grin is a mile wide and he’s resorted to batting his long eyelashes at me. Yeah, way to go boy, steal my clothes and rub in the fact you have better lashes than me.

“Let’s just say I reserve the right to wear it when I want to–but sure, you can keep it for now.”

And off he went. I’m so not ready for this.