Ahem… I’ve been asked to help promote a certain blog that is related to me by authorship. That is, my kid writes it. So–go check out Geiodo and say “hi”. He’s kinda lonely for readers and I promised I’d send a few his way. Thanks in advance!
Nov 1, 2006 | Boy Wonder | 3 comments
Cool, and I’ll let him know that Maddie has one, and it’s all pink and has kitties. He’ll love it, right????
Nice work from the little guy. Thanks for sharing.
I’ll let him know! (but feel free to comment on his blog… it’s like Christmas around here when he gets comments. 🙂 ~Wen
How cute that he has a blog! So does our 20 year old, but she rarely writes on it.
It’s the only writing he likes to do at this point!~ Wen