. . . We’re not letting him go to a Lutheran Camp next year:
Boy Wonder (surveying the menu at McMenamen’s Friday night): I’ll take the Hogshead Chicken Sandwich. And I’ll have a beer. Make that a Bud Light.
We old folks have to find our cushions and pillows in our tankards. Strong beer is the milk of the old.–Martin Luther
Where did he pick that up? My husband perhaps? Oh, wait, my husband wasn’t at Lutheran Camp!
He said it OHH SO casually! I guess he’s seen one too many commercials where it “tastes great but is less filling”…
Note to self: Maybe Boy Wonder shouldn’t be hanging with Mr. Stargazer until he’s of legal drinking age, either. 🙂
We will send him to Methodist camp next year and nip this beer fascination in the bud. 🙂 We (methodists) drink wine. Ha ha ha ha ha.