Sometimes, I spin the Youth Minister plate… HARD! (And of course, that means poor IZ spins along with me.) After too many hours and nearly a year of work,  it’s official: we have a ping-pong table in the room and we’re painted. And now, I need to stop. Seriously, I’ve been saying it’s “done” for 2 weeks now and keep finding more things to do.




This is our meeting room: where we share our highs and lows. Eventually, I want to get those chairs covered and add some squishy bean bags.

Looks like I might need to work on the blackboard a bit. You have to prime it with white chalk before using it: and I ran out so I faked it. But new chalk arrived today, so a little touch up is order. (plus, it’s not the best wall, but I’m hoping the lights IZ so graciously put up for us will help!)




Yeah, totally stole this from Pinterest. The walls in the room are so wild. Apparently, at one point a good 20+ years ago someone wall-papered with newsprint!

The floor is a bit slippery and not level, so I taped down our rugs with bright orange Duck tape.



This is the Game Room side. Our room can be divided by accordion doors, but we never do it. However, I thought it was a good idea to do each side a bit differently.

A huge shout-out to the lovely IZ for disassembling the ping pong table and putting it back together. We’re missing a net, but it’s a great table that someone gifted us!


Also pilfered this idea from Pinterest. I used washi tape to make plus signs on the wall. Um. Work.   This is a little loft the kids love to sit in and I felt like it needed something “extra”.  Again, eventually I’d like new bean bags in grey. I’m planning on doing a “post it prayer” wall on the right hand wall. So, we’ll have a bit more color eventually!  I don’t think the ball game thing will stay.



Another chalkboard wall and a bit of colorful Scripture for the room!


I cannot wait for the kids to get to use this on Sunday.  Space is everything, no? And considering we did this on such a shoe string budget, I think the room turned out!

And so that you have some idea of what it looked like before, here is a before photo (under the fold, because MEH)
