This Auntie business is serious fun.
Really. Can’t help myself. I went into Freddy’s for a  birthday card (which I did manage to remember) and found myself in the baby department. I immediately spied this adorable play set that said, “My Auntie thinks I’m Awesome.” Perfection. Except it had ruffles and flowers and was clearly meant for a girl. Um, kinda think nephew’s parents would not approve. I thought about buying it just the same and sending it along with a note that said, “Um, more babies please. I’d like a girl next.” But I should probably reserve that level of obnoxiousness for my own child. In the future.
FAR in the future.
So, I bought this set instead. I mean, it’s not quite the same sentiment, but it does have a futbol on it so, that counts for something. But it makes me sad that there wasn’t a boy’s outfit with the other saying on it. And I’ve spent the afternoon vacillating between wanting to write an angry letter to Carter’s for their clear bias toward girls and wanting to design my own baby line.
Seriously. I’ve waited forever to do this and I can’t help myself. Is there a support group for doting Aunties out there?
Oh that’s too funny – That WOULD definitely drive certain grandparents a little batty. And yeah – FAR FUTURE thinking for our own child please.
I was seriously peeved. At makes me SO mad that they have such gender stereotyped limitations in children’s clothing. Someday sweetie, I’m going to change that!
Support group? You know it!! We eat brownies on Tuesdays. Or cheesecake. Because Aunties don’t have to worry about the healthier lunches and making sure nephews eat vegetables.
We mostly discuss the children’s books we keep buying, come up with ways to be even more awesome and soak up all the fun. And we develop dinosaur noises to elicit nephew giggles, which could power the world if we could hook them up to a battery, cuz Lord knows they recharge me on many a day.
Ah, spoken like a true Auntie! I haven’t met my nephew yet, but I’m so looking forward to it. And your comment brings up a very good idea for me. . . I think I’ll ask his parents to record his laughter when the time comes. He lives so far away. . . sigh.
Aunties rule!! I could get all over an auntie line of baby outfits. I would love to spoil Juliet–and Logan too.
JULIET? What a great name. . . I love that name. It was on my short list for a girl. Sigh. I should start bugging G now. . .”You really want a baby named Juliet.” Hahahah. I’m SO manipulative.