Day Seventy-three: A summer skirt or two.
Ok, it’s not for me, and technically I didn’t sew it. But I did supervise its construction. In fact, I supervised the construction of two, since Miss Faith also made a skirt along with her sister Miss Sara. And yes, I call them that. I have no idea why, I just do.
We picked out fabric and wouldn’t you know that the ONLY black jersey was some awful fake velvet that Miss Faith just Had. To. Have. Â (Oh don’t get me started on our local JoAnnes) Â And sometimes, you have to give in to the whims of a pre-teen, because she is nearly 13 and well, she wanted it. Who cares if it costs too much (for such terrible fabric) and who cares if you’ll spend the day cursing under your breath. The smile on a certain pre-teen’s face is worth the frustration.
So we sewed. All day. Other than cut the fabric (Yum, JERSEY FROM HADES) I made them do everything but the final pinning of Sara’s ruffle and pressing and pinning Faith’s hem. We used a pattern from Sew, Mama, Sew! and it’s just wonderful. Easy, straightforward, the perfect “pattern” for a new sewer. They both got a taste of success, which is necessary when you’re first learning. Right? You want to be able to sit down and actually make something.
I’d call it a successful first sewing lesson. And, you bet, I’m crossing off “Make Summer Skirt” off my list. Twice.
That’s amazing! I always picked out the wrong fabric and my mom would complain about trying to sew it. 🙂 But she managed to get it done, just like you all!
Well, I’ll give Faith credit… she didn’t bail when it got hard because of the fabric. 😀 ~W
Well done! Great job! They really looked good. You clearly succeeded.
I’ll confess… I was worried. Considering my childhood and the horror that was learning to sew (Um, kinda didn’t happen!) I was worried I couldn’t actually handle it. Much less, doing two at a time. But I’m elated that it went so well. Maybe it helps that these girls aren’t MY girls? ~W
And, pre-teen success, which is really saying something 😉
Right? It’s funny—we’ve been away from working with youth long enough, and I’m raising a boy. I forget the dynamics with girls. ~W