Day Sixty-nine: When the Universe hands you a pumpkin blight, bake cherry pie.
Turns out, I did double the sugar. Sigh. One bite and I pitched both pies. It’s a waste, but it was simply inedible.
So, I woke up this morning convinced more than ever that TODAY I would make pumpkin pie! Off to the store I went, for a can of pumpkin only to discover an empty shelf at Safeway. Turns out, last year’s pumpkin crop caught a case of the blight and Safeway just barely had enough supply to last through the holiday season. They’ve been sold out since. Â Evidently, the Universe is trying to tell me something.
I’m not listening.
Since we skipped our annual cherry pie for the 4th of July (We ate chocolate cake to celebrate IZ and my SIL’s birthdays) I scooped up some cherry pie filling instead. You can blight the pumpkin crop, Dear Universe, but I’m still going to bake pie!
It looks like a pumpkin decoration on there! You can pretend. I am amazed that anyone would want to bake a pie, which really stresses me out. (THE CRUST) I’m much more of a cake person.
It is a pumpkin decoration. It may be as close as we get. I like cake too. But sometimes, you crave pie. Crust can seem intimidating, but the real trick is to keep everything ultra cold. ~W
I love the way you defiantly improvise 🙂
Yeah, I have oppositional down. I thought my “Pumpkin” was rather clever. 😀 ~W
I thought the “pumpkin” cherry pie was ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS… which explains why it didn’t last more than a day in the house. I would say PIE is my Kryptonite… but that would only be partially true since ice cream, cake, pastries, and donuts also qualify. Did I mention caramel corn? I love it. Oh -and a box of See’s… I digress. Anyway, thank you for the pie… it was yummy!
Did you just mention See’s to me? You’re killing me. ~W