Best kind of multi-tasking!
_____________________________________ I’m starting to wonder if it is the only kind. Except, that might be verboten for you, right? “Mrs. Miller, what’s that in your thermos?” Haha! ~W
on 9 August, 2010 at 9:50 am
You were rocking it for sure. You looked like you were having a good time. 😉
_____________________________________ As good of a time as a girl can have doing re-pour after re-pour. That fragrance is cursed and I’m pulling it from my line. I NEVER want to pour it again. THANK YOU for the wine the grocery run. You rock. ~W
Wine goes well with all those activities–smooths out the rough edges.
__________________________________________ I really needed something yesterday. I poured one candle order 4 times before I got it right. It was not a good day on that front… so the wine helped. That and IZ took the boy to Costco and did the shopping. Thank GOD! ~W
Best kind of multi-tasking!
I’m starting to wonder if it is the only kind. Except, that might be verboten for you, right? “Mrs. Miller, what’s that in your thermos?” Haha! ~W
You were rocking it for sure. You looked like you were having a good time. 😉
As good of a time as a girl can have doing re-pour after re-pour. That fragrance is cursed and I’m pulling it from my line. I NEVER want to pour it again. THANK YOU for the wine the grocery run. You rock. ~W
Wine goes well with all those activities–smooths out the rough edges.
I really needed something yesterday. I poured one candle order 4 times before I got it right. It was not a good day on that front… so the wine helped. That and IZ took the boy to Costco and did the shopping. Thank GOD! ~W
Wine goes with everything! ~W