Day Forty-eight: Half way through summer and still waiting for it to arrive.
Technically, yesterday marked the half-way point of summer. We spent the day in Oregon City—where it was warm and sultry and exactly what you expect of Summer, with a capital S. I was hot and sticky and all-around uncomfortable—and happy being so. I spent the day secretly wishing I could just go running! The sunshine and warmth feed my delusions and range of motion. That’s not a bad thing.
We came home to this perpetual cold and mist and everything I’ve begun to dread. I wouldn’t mind the gray so much, I think (or I’m in denial!), if it wasn’t also wet and on the cold side of things. I had forgotten how good sunshine feels. Or maybe, how good I feel in the  sunshine. Gone was the tight ache in my joints that I consider a constant companion. No amount of hot tea changes the fact that I feel my body and it’s limitations in the cold.
So! We got a dose of summer yesterday. Bureaucracy compelled our road-trip. Oregon is fairly hands-off with homeschoolers. However, they do require that we have our children tested in benchmark years. We’re not cut out to be law breakers and Boy Wonder technically finished 8th grade so it was time to sit for these exams. He was anxious, but did surprisingly well for a kid who wasn’t prepped. I’m no fan of state testing (or any testing or grades, but that’s another post!) Â and the “passing” requirement is such a joke—he had to have a composite score above the 15th percentile. No, you read that correctly! Needless to say, we weren’t worried. It was just a hoop to jump through, and jump we did. With a little finesse, a little fear, but a whole lot of fun!
Oregon City was a surprise. Who knew they had the only out-door elevator in the country? We spent the afternoon exploring the city and  soaking up the sun before heading home. And it seemed fitting to spend the 47th day of summer recharging our solar batteries. Considering, we’re still waiting for summer to arrive out here on the edge of the world.
What a “great” excuse for the trip and I’m glad you got some sunshine. Rainy and gray here. 🙁 P.S. Did you take that amazing photo of the rose with moisture on it? Obviously, I have a ways to go with the D-80!!
Oh, Margaret… I use a mac and photo editing. It’s a learned thing… just keep taking lots and lots of photos. And I think you’re doing pretty good these days—your portrait session was great! ~W
I didn’t realize you home schooled! I home educated both of my daughters…you know, back in the olden days when everyone thought it was illegal.
Ahh… ME TOO. I homeschooled in the 80’s. Not really by choice. My parents decided they needed to do so for my younger brother… back in the day, it was illegal unless you claimed it was your religious conviction. They couldn’t make that claim unless they pulled both of us out of school. I think it was a really good move for my brother—for me, not so much. Mostly because I taught MYSELF… and um, I totally identify with “math is hard Barbie”. It took me years of college to gain my legs academically.
Anyhow, homeschooling our son was a choice we made with him. He’s happier and I’m not in charge of teaching any math. We ask him every year if he wants to go back to public school or back to a charter and so far, no go. Since he passed his exams beyond his current grade level, we still feel like it’s working for us. 😀 ~W
Yes, oh summer where art thou? However, I grew up and lived the first 28 yrs of my life in sunny Florida, so I sort of enjoy cool and overcast, but agree that I hate being wet all the time, especially when most of our summers here have been much nicer than this one! I was hoping to be rid of rain for at least a couple of months!
By the way congrats on year 2 of the shop!
Sarah! We really should get together. I so want to do a crafty night thing in the fall. Hmm… and yeah, I hear you. Most people I know just wilt in the sun. (My kid included!) I’m one of those weird people who gets downright giddy in the sunshine. 😀 ~W
Congrats on the successful result on hoop-jumping!
Oh! I so owe you email. I’m writing it in my head…. read my mind, m’kay? 😀 ~W
G is so smart! Oh, and that photo -is AWESOME!
I’m not a fan of this photo… but I was desperate. And he is… I think he was bummed that the scores weren’t higher… but COME ON KID. Right? He gets that from you. Because I couldn’t care a flying flip about it. ~W