Day Thirty-two: Â After 3 tedious attempts and endless seam-ripping I finally managed to get this trim on evenly. Color me smug. Which was a mistake, because right in the middle of congratulating myself, “No pins! Ha!” I noticed that I’d sewn the trim onto the wrong side of the fabric. Um. . .
32/94: Learning Curve
Jul 22, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer | 4 comments
That sounds like something I would do. I gave up on sewing after putting sleeves in backwards and zippers in upside down. I have no aptitude for it. However, Ashley is very good at it. (learned from my mom)
Oof, zippers. I’m not a fan. It’s on my summer list, “learn to do zippers without becoming homicidal” but I’m not holding my breath. ~W
well shoot! I hate to say it, but I think I use my seamripper about 25% of the time when I’m sewing. Just make sure you have a good one!
I had one of those days! I have multiples of everything in my studio, because I have a bad habit of not being able to find things right after having just used it… Of course, eventually I run out and I have to stop and find all the seam rippers (scissors or tape measurers). ~W
We are such sewing kindred spirits.
Tricia! I had a day yesterday…even more so than usual. I kept dropping things and breaking things and doing things wrong. Usually, I would take a break and move on, but I’m feeling the pressure to be ready for the August Sale/launch of new product. I’m glad I’m not alone with this sort of thing… there is always such a steep learning curve with anything new. ~W
All I can say is the end result is magnificent.