Can you find enough berries for jamsyrup? They look yummy.
_______________________________________ They’re not that tasty, to be honest. Shh… don’t tell the boy. But we’ve never found all that many. They’re wild and the plants get huge, but don’t produce all that many berries. I think they’re mostly deer food. ~W
I thought at first they were raspberries, but no. What are cupberries?
They’re actually Thimbleberries. But G has always called them Cup Berries. I have no idea why. 😀 ~W
That’s a cockle-warming moment!
Can you find enough berries for jamsyrup? They look yummy.
They’re not that tasty, to be honest. Shh… don’t tell the boy. But we’ve never found all that many. They’re wild and the plants get huge, but don’t produce all that many berries. I think they’re mostly deer food. ~W
The boy does love his mom.