We’re playing in the sprinkler and drinking lots and lots of this. What are you doing to keep cool in this heat wave?!
Keeping Cool
Jul 29, 2009 | This Life | 9 comments
We’re playing in the sprinkler and drinking lots and lots of this. What are you doing to keep cool in this heat wave?!
sitting in the air conditioning. It’s too hot to go out side. 105 degrees is unbearable. Sad sad face.
Looks like you guys are having fun though! 😀
I’m enjoying the break from our heat wave, which apparently, decided to move north.
I’m drinking a lot(mostly non-alcoholic), staying in my car or downstairs around the portable AC unit and feeling worried about the old folks in my life. Your grass is way greener than ours!!
I’ve been to the movie theater more times in the past week than in the past year. Seriously. We head to Sandy River when we can and take a dip in the water. And unlike Margaret, I’m drinking a lot in the alcoholic category, heading to local breweries almost every night. I’m kinda digging the heat, but I won’t miss it when it’s gone.
I would like to hug your dog. Something tells me your dog and my dog would get along. It has been super hot in Tucson. The only thing that cools me down is sitting in the pool…ALL DAY. I wish my tan was a bit better, but I have to be careful with that!
I’m looking at your fence and feeling TANGY! 😆 And, like Bobbypin Bandit, I would like to hug your dog.
staying out of the heat by web surfing… i need some of that tea to make my day perfect 😉
You’d LOVE it…due to some home repairs/improvements, the windows have all had to be shut for the last THREE days. I am thankful for what little cooling the swamp cooler at Snap Snap provides…and I am drinking water by the gallons!
I love your cute adorable dog!
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog! 🙂 Have a wonderful and SUNNY week! 🙂