
This child. This has been making me laugh. And cry. And marvel.

This child. He wasn’t always so tall, or his hair so long. I wasn’t always so old. But we’ve always been friends. Always a little bit grubby after a day at the beach.


This child. Still loves rocks and animals and legos and all things science. But I think that he might someday love girls too. I’m anxious that someday is closer than ever before.


This child confessed last night that he was a “fly-trap.” I think he meant “babe-magnet”. He shook his head and laughed. I held my breath. So much has changed. And yet some things stay the same.

He told me his secrets and his worries and we are still friends. Friends don’t tell secrets. They hold your worries close to their heart.

This child is growing up. Faster than I ever expected. Too fast for me to keep up. This child has me wondering where all the time went.