Learning the Trade.jpg

So, the boy and I played hooky from school yesterday. It’s the end of term and we have so many projects to finish, it probably seems a bit unwise to do so. However, sometimes when you’ve been working hard you just need a break. IZ had treated us to the late night showing (mercifully not the LATE LATE night showing) of the new Pirates movie the night before. Friday dawned late for us and we just couldn’t face doing anything else. As we are blessed with a day off on Monday, we have time on our side. Besides, procrastination is an art form and every serious student will tell you, a necessary part of the process.

What, you don’t write your best work under pressure? I thought so! So, stop your judging! πŸ˜€

Anyhow, the boy and I decided to hit a few garage sales. We spent the better part of the afternoon hunting for treasure. I desperately need more stock for Thrifty Goodness. He, well, he needed a few lessons on the fine art of garage sales. I call it, “Take your child to work day.”

By the end of the day (what, you thought I’d pass on secrets to the internet. My, you people are optimistic!) he was a seasoned pro. At his last purchase the seller commented, “Wow! You’re really good at this!” as he’d managed to haggle the price of his item down to include 4 extra Star Wars figurines for only .50c more. He beamed. So proud to have figured out what he now calls the “code”. He played it cool and said,  “I learned it all from my mom.”

It was his day, yesterday. He came home with an arm full— some of which people just gave to him because he was so cute. Uh, how come that doesn’t work for me? Anyhow, I  only managed to take one photo yesterday. But it probably sums up the day quite well. This is Boy Wonder and his vintage Underwood. That he got for a mere $10 (they were asking $20).

Me? Well, I struck out. Usually, I come home with at least something to account for the hours, but yesterday was nearly a bust. Some days you score and some days you don’t. But, treasure comes in many forms—a day spent with a great kid being one of them.  Another lesson learned, I’d say.