This morning: on the way to Calculus wearing the lovely scarf his Auntie Carly made him.
I owe you a HUGE thank you, Carly. It’s coming in the mail shortly. But until then, he LOVES the scarf. You’re the best!
This morning: on the way to Calculus wearing the lovely scarf his Auntie Carly made him.
I owe you a HUGE thank you, Carly. It’s coming in the mail shortly. But until then, he LOVES the scarf. You’re the best!
He looks very suave. Love the scarf and jacket. Stay warm!
Did you get snow? I heard PDX got a dusting. It’s certainly cold enough for it, eh? Brrr…
Give each other a huge hug for me. Glad he likes it – knitting and sewing keep me sane so he’s contributed to the Auntie Carly Maintenance Program. 🙂