We’re expecting a major blow here on the coast tomorrow. Power outages are likely—for how long, is anyone’s guess. I’m frantically doing laundry, have baked a huge raspberry coffee cake, put fresh sheets on the bed, and when I hunt down that dog, she’s getting a bath. We’ve got gas, and fuel, and wood, and each other. I think we’re ready. Â So, I’m leaving you with a bit of sunshine in the form of lovely Meyer Lemons (my favorite!) and I’ll catch you on the flip side of this winter gale. In the meantime, if you’re feeling inspired, here’s a wonderful recipe for Lemon bars.
Rumor Has It
Jan 17, 2012 | From the Kitchen | 8 comments
You’ll get the wind(we’re supposed to get some) and I’m hoping to keep our power ON. No school tomorrow due to the prediction of this huge snow storm. We shall see. Last time they made this kind of claim the storm ended up hundreds of miles to the north of us or something. We got nothing. Maybe they’re right this time.
Yeah, last night’s wind seemed worse than Wednesday’s. . . but you guys got dumped on! And Ice to boot. What a nightmare. I’m glad your power is back on.
Fingers crossed for a short disruption to daily life…sounds like you are prepared and that’s about all you can do when you have to “hunker down.” (Speaking as one who sheltered in place for Hurricane Ike)
Well, once again, false alarm. But in 2007 we were hit with a 36 hour blow that had sustained winds at over 90 mph and 125+ mph gusts that took off every third roof in the county. It was the first time the meteorologic society ever used the word “Hurricane” to refer to a storm in our area. We were without power and phone lines for up to 7 days (depending on where you were). Emergency services were coordinated by hamm radio and we were completely isolated because both roads into our area were closed due to countless downed trees across the passes. It was HORRIFYING and people are still in shock over it. So, when we get threats, we tend to respond in the same manner. And out here, you just never know.
Batten down the hatches and take care! We got a ton of snow this weekend and the temperature plummeted today… all the way down to “I love winter but why do we live here again?”
I’m glad I’m not the only one who considers cake to be an emergency ration. You’re my kind of awesome.
Baking and laundry are always on my must do list when we’re threatened with a power outage. I like clean socks and comfort food. (Oh, and I always go buy ground coffee so we can make java on the woodstove.)
So far so good, right? Save for the unrelenting rain, dark skies, the cold damp air….
I’m glad it wasn’t worse! And knock on wood. What a wild storm tho, to have snow the day before and for it be 53 the next day. WEIRD.