You’re getting a product shot of my newest lucky find because when I tried to get the boy to do a goofy pose with it,  he flat-out refused. Apparently, “there are limits”.  Really? Limits? Since when? You can bet I’m going to quote  that back to him when bedtime arrives tonight!
But back to this form. It’s from a downtown store that is going out of business. I’m figuring from its original state that it’s vintage. I spent most of the week patching holes, giving it a new paint job, and trying to shake the skeevy sensation that came along with finding this thing. It’s a story best left off the blog, but I think I can safely say there are just some encounters that make your skin crawl. However, the new paint seems to have done the job—and I’m thrilled to have it. In truth, I don’t see Mireio expanding to a full jewelry line. That being said, I suspect people do want to see how something hangs; so finding this vintage form locally is a lucky find. And it’s making the product shot part of my life much easier.
Not that I can get the kid to pose with it. Jewelry is more compliant.
This is quickly turning into an “oddity” post, where I just dump weirdness on you. But it’s been that kind of week. I’ve been attempting to get things in order here. During the big studio move  for Mireio, we had a pipe burst downstairs and flood part of the basement. It caused a significant amount of damage, and the result was that the storage area had to be completely emptied. The gym has been inundated with boxes and orphaned furniture. It will be awhile before all the repairs are done, so in an effort to make life easier for IZ, I spent part of the morning Wednesday organizing the craziness. I manhandled boxes and furniture and sprained a vein.
I’m not kidding! I have no idea how I did it, but I ended up with a throbbing vein in my finger–it’s all puffy and blue. Weirdness, I tell you. IZ didn’t miss the opportunity to gently mock me. Â Who sprains a vein, anyway?
IZ: “You should blog about your sprained vein. You could call it, ‘You’re so Vein’.”
Me: “Right, Â you’ll probably think the post is about you. Won’t you.”
We crack ourselves up. We stood in the hallway laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe. IZ turned bright red.
Me: “I hated Carly Simon as a kid.”
Iz: “Why?”
Me: “Because I thought that song was about me.”
Yeah, go ahead. Howl all you want. We did. The thing is, that song was in heavy rotation in 1973. I was three years old and I knew what the world “vain” meant, because I had a mother who applied it to me regularly. It was just one of a litany of words used when I was resistant to authority. And I was a resistant sort of child. So, of course I thought the song was about me, I’d heard the expression over and over—and it filled me with such shame and self-loathing and a deep three-year old hatred for Carly Simon.
This week I’m laughing about it. I gave my inner three year old a good hug and told her, “It’s OK to be YOU.” And I’m reminding myself that there are boundaries and limits and even children have the right to say “no” and “that’s not for me.” It doesn’t make them difficult or stubborn or selfish. Or vain. It makes them human. And as parents, honoring their humanity is our primary vocation.
So, pictures of my wigged out veins, a mannequin but no model, and a reminder that words can hurt. Happy Friday, everyone!
Happy Friday! Ouch on the vein and as a Carly Simon fan, I laughed about your repartee with Iz. I was a fan of that song, so I get it! Yay!! Broken pipes are nasty; they ruin so much in very little time.
Killed our Christmas tree and a mattress and bunky board. :S Most people I know like that song. It doesn’t upset me like it did when I was a kid… but I’m no fan. ~W
Love the vintage form!
I wish I had one.
I think it’s an awesome tool for showing off your beautiful necklaces!!!
You are too funny! Thanks, I loved reading and laughing with you this morning!
Thank you, Kerri!! I’m so glad you could see the humor in this piece. 😀 ~W
I’ve broken a vein in my finger about three times. Two of the times were when I was catching a frisbee. It’s weird, isn’t it?
Cool form. I need to buy one to display my scarves, and I don’t like any of the ones I can afford. Sage is not too keen on modeling the scarves, lol. They’re definitely growing up, aren’t they?
I’m glad to know I’m not alone–on the vein front or the boy front. 😀 ~~Wen
Funny, quirky, bittersweet post! I love it! I’ve been meaning to make my way into that store just to see if there is anything interesting or funky I can’t do without. I just keep telling myself, “but you don’t NEED anything…”. So far my practical side is winning, but that is just for today! No promises on tomorrow!
Who tells a three year old they are vain? Sheesh.. Many, many years ago (when I was still quite naive…)I was grocery shopping, Kane was in the cart, so it must have been at least 25 years ago, when I overheard a mother telling her approximate 18-24 month old daughter that she was a “control freak” in a very cold, prickly tone. I had no words…and am not sure how I would respond all these years later. Anyway, yay for laughing, loving families!
Normal, healthy people do not. I think that’s probably my point. 😀 And weirdness, on the control freak thing, because I was recently in Fred Meyer and heard the same thing. The woman was speaking to her teenager, so I kinda understand it… but mostly, I think parents who do those sorts of things are simply “projecting”. It’s their baggage.
As for the store… I didn’t look too closely, just wanted to get out. But it seemed like there was a TON of merchandise left considering their sale has been up for over 3 weeks. The prices on fixtures were outrageous, so if the clothing is like that, then it’s no wonder it’s not selling. ~W
I’m with Jenny. Who tells a 3 year old they’re vain? But I’m so glad you can laugh about it now.
What I always heard was “You’re too sensitive,” because I was actually hurt by my family’s sarcasm. Sarcasm is just about my family’s preferred communication method, but as a child (and sometimes still today) I just want to run away from it. As a child, I believed them that I was too sensitive, but now I think that I’m fine just the way I am and perhaps it would benefit everyone in the family if we were a little less sarcastic.
Ah, yes… I’m very familiar with “you’re too sensitive”. :S I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just an excuse insensitive people use to justify their behavior–at least in most cases. I’m glad you can see that you’re FINE being YOU!! ~W
I heard that Carly Simon held an auction and the highest bidder was told who that song was actually about – but he had to swear not to reveal the answer. I don’t remember who it was or how much he paid but … I’d love to know. Because I secretly suspect it’s about me.
It has been a weird week. I’m sure there is some kind of astrological conjunction, t-square or retrograde that will explain it all … or not.
She’s been very clever with that song, I’ll give her that! And yeah, weird, weird week. Hopefully, next week is better all around! ~W