Halloween decor is up. It only took us 2 days and countless hours attempting to replace fuses. Those little things are TINY and can drive a girl to abuse chocolate. But, we’re done and feeling spooky. Clicky, clicky for better views.
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It doesn’t take much to drive you to abuse chocolate, does it? Hey, I’m just askin’ … Love you, Kitty!
xoxo Emily
What’s your point, Emily? 😀 xoxo Kitty
You have great Halloween decor!! It’s become my favorite holiday to decorate for–that and fall. Christmas stresses me out a lot, as you know.
I keep wanting to add to it every year, but alas, every year I just end up replacing stuff. :S And I’d totally keep up my Halloween decor all year, but people around here have a thing about Christmas. 😀 ~W
You have a porch! I love porches. Sigh . . .
We do have a porch! It was part of what sold us on this house. I don’t think it’s a requirement for the next house, after having one. But it was definitely a “must” when we bought this home. Of course, you have sunshine and the Ocean! ~W
Love it!! I do so love Halloween—you’ve inspired me to get going!Happy Autumn!
Can’t wait to do a drive by and see your handiwork! ~W
Gorgeous! Should be in a magazine! Love it! Boo!
Oh, thanks, Kerri!! ~W
Your decor is wonderful! I think mine will be carved pumpkins and many candles in mason jars this year.
Oh, BTW, I Love My Lips, Too! Oosta!
Ooh, I like the mason jar idea. That has a subtle and spooky quality to it. 😀 ~W
really, it all looks so good! i really like your ghost lights,toocute.
we have lived in our house 15yrs. and have never had a trick or treater-no neighborhood kids close by,we live way out in the country!
thanks for ” sharing your home”
Thank you! We don’t get as many trick-or-treators as I’d like because we live on a hill… and sometimes kids don’t walk down far enough–and the rest of the block above us does NO decorating, so it’s hard to tell we’re out here being all ghoulish. 😀 ~W
You’ve spiffed up the house quite well! I’ve stuck with my mantle display only this year, and I am fine with that. My sweet friend Dina sent me a link to one of her favorite blogs and I am fascinated with it…It has also put my outside decorating to shame: http://www.brooklynlimestone.com/
Ooh, I love the skeletons climbing up the outside of the house. I’m banking that idea 😀 Thanks for sharing. ~W