Day Forty-six: Mireio is turning two today. This is me at 13 months with the original Mireio Pillow. You can read about it here.
46/94: Mireio Turns Two
Aug 5, 2010 | 94 Days of Summer | 6 comments
Day Forty-six: Mireio is turning two today. This is me at 13 months with the original Mireio Pillow. You can read about it here.
I love what you wrote over at Mireio. Congrats on turning two!
You have been so helpful… I appreciate all that you do for Mireio behind the scenes. But most especially, for believing in my little dreams. I know I’m not saving the world or anything, but you seem to get how much this all means to me. xoxo ~W
Congratulations!! I loved it, too. That is one adorable baby picture, too.
Thanks, Carly. It’s been a year. And yeah, that photo is the only picture I have of my beloved. Oh, and really… THANK YOU for being so supportive of Mireio. You rock! ~W
Lovely, lovely. Happy second birthday!
Thank you!! ~W
Congratulations on turning two. I remember your po-po. I think Mom still has a pillow she made about the same time laying around somewhere.
Your mom was such a peach to let me keep that! I’ve always had a soft-spot in my heart for her, it was such a kindness. And look what it inspired! 😀 ~Wen
Happy Birthday to Mireio!! You loved pillows, even as a baby! 🙂
Thank you!! This photo makes me ridiculously happy. 😀 ~W
ahhh you were so cute!! Congrats on Mireio!
Thank you! At 1 I hadn’t yet developed my utter loathing of having my photo taken. That would happen the next year when I was two. :S ~W