Day Twelve: What? This is me working. Ok, it’s actually me taking a break on the porch. Shouting at my T.V. is hard work!
As much as I’d like to write a wordy post, and I do have a few  brewing, I’m swamped getting ready for the 4th. You know, it’s the “Pre-house-guests cleaning blitz”.  Compounding things, I’m a bit behind because I spent part most of my day watching soccer and screaming at my television. IZ is  claiming to now be deaf. My child is both mortified and slightly impressed at his mother’s vociferous enthusiasm for Uruguay.  All this to say, I’m guessing I’ll be back with words after the holiday.
I’m still posting photos from my 94 Days of Summer project though, and I’d love it if you were vociferous in the comment section!
I’m always verbose in the comments section. My older daughter has gotten into hockey a bit with the World Cup, but I’m still in my reading frenzy. I guess I don’t get enough chance to read during the school year–or is it an escape from the gray? My house is clean and I’ve mowed the front lawn, but decided to go with the rain plan for Sunday. (indoor food versus BBQ) Bummer.
I think the 4th is going to be OK… not perfect like last year, but nice enough. Although, rumor has it summer will be arriving on Tuesday! ~W
Hockey? I meant soccer!!
First: Shoes. Where? Dish!
Second: I wholeheartedly and vociferously applaud your usage of the word “vociferous”!
Third: Uruguay. Chosen at random or is there a particular reason for your attachment? I was anticipating an nail-biter of a Wimbledon final but as Federer and Murray are both out, on Sunday I will vociferously pursue sleeping-in instead. 🙂
GO, Uruguay!!
First: Shoes are Keen. You can find them here: Zappos
Second: It’s a tribal thing, our vocabularies.
Third: Two words: Diego Forlán. Something about the way that man plays. Simply divine to watch him. And Uruguay plays like a TEAM. They are long shots, but then I’ve always liked an underdog.
I have throughly been enjoying your photos and it has inspired me– I started my own days of summer and I love it!! Thanks for the idea!
Awesome, Amber!! ~W
Eh? What did you say? There’s this ringing in my ears…
It *was* a good game. I’m glad I could work from my laptop and enjoy it with you guys. 🙂
Sorry about that. You probably shouldn’t sit next to me for Tuesday’s game. ~W
Lots of shouting going on in our household too! You know now England actually beat Argentina 2:0 😉 So I am happy bunny!!
You are doing so much better than me with your 94 days of summer postings.
Those. Shoes.
They completely took my breath away with their fabulousness…!!
My only complaint is that my feet sweat buckets in them! They’re perfect for the beach in the cold, tho! ~W
I love the 94 days thing. Making sure we mark the season, and much more.