Day Three: Fresh flowers from my yard. The payoff for all the pollen-induced sneezing of Spring. An abundance means even random hallway windows aren’t ignored.
Very cheerful!! Did you get the lovely sun that we got today? Hope so.
______________________________ We did!! It was gorgeous out there and we would have headed to the beach, but G had youth group that night so not enough time. 😀 ~W
on 24 June, 2010 at 6:06 am
I never ignore random hallways with flowers. Thank you!
______________________________ Our yard is practically a florist shop during the summer, eh? ~W
So lovely Wende! I love your window pics.
Thanks, Rachel! ~W
Very cheerful!! Did you get the lovely sun that we got today? Hope so.
We did!! It was gorgeous out there and we would have headed to the beach, but G had youth group that night so not enough time. 😀 ~W
I never ignore random hallways with flowers. Thank you!
Our yard is practically a florist shop during the summer, eh? ~W