Day Seven: Abandoned Roses
You never know what you might find in our yard. Poor Iz stumbled into vermin poop. I was far luckier! Much to my surprise, the abandoned rose bush on the boundary fence decided to bloom like mad this year. I missed most of the show and it’s being completely choked by weeds—but the few blooms I rescued are absolutely stunning. I can’t begin to describe the scent, cocoa maybe?
I guess I should weed my yard more often.
I love roses, but couldn’t grow them to save my life. TOO. MUCH. WORK. What beautiful random roses!!
I’ve only ever planted two kinds. Both are super easy to grow and need NO work at all. I really like the carpet rose bushes I got last year. They bloom all spring/summer/fall long. The roses don’t smell, but then again, I don’t have to work at it either. ~W
They truly have a surprising scent -not at all what you might imagine. Soft & delicate, not overbearing at all. Beautiful pic by the way…
I love that old rose. I really should do something along that side of the property. It’s just so narrow and no one ever goes there. There is so much work to do outside. I need to GET ON IT! ~W