
The ironing board in my studio piled up with fabric for the spring/summer line and neglected camellias from yesterday’s photo-shoot.

This week has felt like a “moment”… passing with far more speed than I expected. Why is that? All I know is that I when I logged onto this blog today, I was a bit shocked at how long it’s been since I last posted. And that seems to happen more and more lately.

So, what have you been up to? As you can see from the photo above, I’m attempting to ramp up for the Spring/Summer line. It’s going slower than I expected. (Sensing  a trend yet?) Of course, I compound matters when I decide last minute (today!) to add a Liberty of London line. Oh. My. For those of you who aren’t addicted to fabric, Liberty is a feast for the eyes and a big old drain on the pocket book. But, they just screamed “Mireio” and honestly, if Target can do it, so can I. Right?

Anyhow, I ordered yet more fabric this morning with the help of IZ (you have no idea how hard it is to choose!!), which means the shop update will be a bit prolonged. Not what I expected, but I’m learning to adapt my rhythms to this ever so cranky muse of mine. She’s a handful, people. I think she might need medication. Just sayin’.

Speaking of expectations, I posted a link on facebook  I think is worth reading. It’s a piece called “Who’s in Your Tribe?” I have a lot to say about it, and I might get around to doing that. But in the meantime, I’ll let you all get caught up with it. As I left in the comments, this essay explicates a feeling I’ve been carrying around for some time. Now I have words. I love it when other people, completely unknown to me, sum up my feelings on things. That probably makes me lazy, but I’d like to think of it as a jumping off point. A place to begin talking about something that has increasingly been on mind—especially in terms of my experience of living in this town (OH LORD!) as well as this phenomenon we call blogging. So go read, ok? And then maybe we can all talk about it!

Speaking of the internets and people in your tribe, the ever lovely Katie brought a wonderful new life into the world today. His name is Gideon James Mulder and from just the one photo I’ve seen, he’s already a heart-breaker! He’s to be called “Gus”, which is ever so sweet and clever and makes me smile. So, welcome to the world, baby boy. You are LOVED bunches, you have no idea.

This seems like a good place to stop. For today, at least. I think I’ll try to come back tomorrow. I want to tell you about more moments—more tribe theory, more joy, and how bribery is a perfectly appropriate parenting method.