I’ve managed to condense the last 2 weeks of my life into 2.5 minutes. I know that’s an eternity in the video world; but, I have to tell you, it represents so much more. And I’m really proud of it! This is just phase one of Mireio’s Spring line and I promise not to bug you with any more commercials after this one. But go look, ok? And listen. And click the last button when the video is done because technology is really  cool. And so is hard work.
Mar 24, 2010 | This Life | 6 comments
If I had 1/100th of your eye, I would be a happy woman!! You are amazing.
Nice video, too, by the way!
Geez Wende, you amaze me. That is a very nice video.
Bravo! Encore! Great music choice by the way. Fantastic images. You rock!
That was very lovely…
Hard work does pay off…
Technology learning curves are so much harder for me than non techno craft skill curves. That was impressive.
Beautifully done…