You all make me smile. Thank you so much for your input on my lingerie quest. It was both informative and funny—and it made IZ blush, which is always a bonus!
I probably should have clarified. I am not looking for underwear, which my kind commonly call “Foundations”. Although, if I’m truthful, my foundation collection is even worse than my lingerie drawer. I once heard a comic tell a story about how his wife kept lamenting the mysterious loss of certain pairs of panties from her wardrobe. His response, “She doesn’t know it, but I keep throwing away the pairs I’m sick of seeing her in. . .” Ba dum dum! I only have to do a load of  “whites” to see his point; however, I draw the line at talking about my panties on this blog. Yes, yes there is a line, and we’ve found it. Let’s all just back away from that and pretend we didn’t notice.
No, Â I am on the hunt for pretty little things to, um, not sleep in. Â Although, if they’re comfortable enough for sleeping, all the better.(As if talking about this is any better than mentioning my “foundations”) You know, items that typically are hung on hangers with French names as pretty as the garment they describe: chemise, negligee, camisole, (can you name more?).
However, I’m extraordinarily picky on these matters. I’m allergic to silk. Yep. I know, how WRONG is that? But it’s true. No silk. No synthetics, I can’t breath in those. That’s in my head, but when you start to panic in your clothing it really doesn’t matter what is causing the reaction, it all equals mood killer. Oh, and I’d like these wonder garments to be comfortable and sexy and make me look like Cindy Crawford if the light is dim enough.
What? Too far on that last request?
I fear I’ve completely intimidated poor IZ on the matter. He won’t try, and who can blame him. My list of acceptable fabrics alone is enough to give a guy a permanent headache, and that’s exactly the opposite effect we’re going for here!
So, what’s a girl to do?
Amber mentioned sewing for myself. Can I just say, “Amber, I love you for believing in me. Even if your faith is completely unfounded, darlin!'” Â It is a good idea, it really is. And someday I’m going to work up the nerve to actually do it. Until then, I think I need to start being more deliberate in my lingerie quest!
It’s probably also a good idea to nix my last minute impulses. Not that I’m a fan of shopping online for clothes, because I’m such a difficult fit. But if I’d do these things more often then there would be time for returns should the need arise. Right? You’d think after 5 years of living out here where Fred Meyer is my only source of something pretty at a reasonable price I would have learned. (There is a pricey lingerie store in town, but I’ve found you have to be stick thin with a fat wallet to shop there.)
Good news tho, I did find a lovely chemise that met all my specifications. Which was something of a minor miracle let me tell you! It is French word worthy, I hope! Â And while I’m promising to be more courageous and thoughtful on the matter in the future, I am deeply relieved that I won’t be wearing a towel this Valentine’s Day. Because my linen closet is yet another drawer that leaves something to be desired.
Anyone know where to find great towels? You know, the kind that would look spa like in my bathroom and I can wear in a pinch?
Only you could make a post about lingerie both funny and insightful. Have I told you recently how much I appreciate your writing? Anyway, great post!
Lingerie is so tricky. I appreciate your insights!
Hard indeed! I did think you meant underwear. I wear just night shirts to bed and that’s what I like and is comfortable for me. I’m easy. 😉
i want that
I’ve been catching up on your lingerie quest, which was quite amusing – so thanks for that.
I’ve admired you, been inspired by you and have been a little in awe of you since I’ve “known” you. Then I read that you’re allergic to silk. And now? Now I just feel sorry for you 😉
I loved this honestly-speaking conversation about underwear, what fun! The top is sooo pretty too, I’m glad you aren’t allergic to it!