We’re in the midst of a 36 hour blow. Two storms, really. The second front moved in this afternoon and we’re holding our breath that the power stays on. I thought you might like to hear the sound of Oregon in November. (and I’m on the end of it, if you listen closely!).
The Sound of Oregon in November
Nov 16, 2009 | This Life | 3 comments
Holy crap! Batten down the hatches! It sounds cold.
This sounds like January to me… but I’ll take your word for it. Have a cup of hot cocoa for me and here’s to your power staying on!
Ahh, nothing like 80MPH gusts and sustained winds over 30MPH to make you feel alive… yeah, right… SB is sounding really nice right about now. Of course, as one local put it -storms like this are what help to keep this area affordable. 😉