It’s a little nutty. . .
This is not a real post. It’s just a little note to tell you all, it’s nutty around here at the moment. Wednesday, The Best of Etsy was RT (retweeted) on Twitter by ETSY!! And then they followed that exposure by featuring my Acorn Sachets on the front page yesterday. This is fabulous news. All that exposure created lots of custom orders and that means I’m up to my eyeballs making, wait for it, nuts. Then today, the acorns were featured on another blog and I promptly sold out!
< Insert panicked breathing here>
I feel like a character in a Jane Austen novel or maybe on Grey’s Anatomy.
I hate custom orders: I cannot be sold out! I over ordered for this season! I love custom orders: How is this possible? Sold out, woohoo! I hate custom orders: Oh no. What if I can’t find more acorn caps in time? Whatever will I do?  I love custom orders: People are so cool. No, seriously. Cool!  I hate custom orders: Wait. I can’t breathe. . . someone  call George O’Malley to revive me. I might need mouth-to-mouth!  I hate Grey’s Anatomy: wait, they killed off  George!
</ let’s just end the inner dialog here. M’kay? Because you know I could go on like this all night! >
So, this is not a real post. It’s just a little note to say I’m thinking about you all! And in between channeling my inner oak tree (that sounds dirty!) and sourcing new acorn caps (I refuse to be sold out for long!) and answering the backlog of emails (no, your email is not going to my spam filter), and starring in my own pre-tend movie show (I threw that in to see if you actually read) Â I promise to squeeze in a post or two in the next day or so. Â I Â think I’ll start by posting a new autumnal drink recipe I think you’re going to love.
That’s right, I said alcohol. See, the faithful are rewarded. Well, they will be tomorrow. Until then, sleep tight all you crazy people who just LOOOOVE Autumn.
I’m not the only one nuts around here! And who does that Shonda Rimes think she is, killing off George?
Poor you! You’re a victim of your own success AND talent. I love the nuts and would like to order some, but I’ll wait until later. ahem
Yes, poor me. Hee! ~W
She did me a personal favor. I heard about your little fantasy and had him whacked. I have power, don’t you know? At least that’s what the voices in my head say.
OK -I’m creeping myself out here. 😉
I will say your readers are in for a special treat -I sure enjoyed helping to “prove” your recipe for that special drink…
Well, George isn’t the only guy on TV. JUST SAYIN’. ~W
The acorns are adorable! Did you just…INVENT them? I hate creative people!
Ditto, Margaret 🙂
So thrilled for you, Darlin’!!! As soon as the torrential rain stops around here, we may have some more tops for you.
Oh, sweetie, that would be fantastic. I’m basically offering goods to people who bail me out of this. Or cookies. 😀 ~W
Breathe, hon. Calm blue ocean.
And she had to kill someone = I’m really getting tired of people being over-dramatically pulled from the fire at the last minute. Plus, George asked for it. Well, not George – TR asked for it. I was kinda hoping it’d be both of them… And don’t even get me started on the premiere of Private Practice the other night….
The acorn news is fantastic. SImply fantastic. Bring on the booze!!
Yeah, I agree. The more I think about it, they could get rid of the whole cast except Bailey and I’d be happy. 😀 ~W
I can say with absolute surity that the acorns are fantastic! She made some for me to give as little gifties for co-workers last Christmas and they are WONDERFUL!!! 🙂
Liza, have I told you lately how much it means to me that you support and champion my little endeavor? IT MEANS A TON. (I’m shouting so you hear!) Thank you, thank you! ~W
They should have killed Izzie.
Congrats/Condolences on the sales … depending on which personality you’re rockin’ at the moment 😀
Thanks! It wouldn’t be an issue if I wasn’t panicked about acorn caps. OY. ~W