Turns out, a local nursery is an excellent place to walk. What did you do today?
Hello ~ Welcome to Evidently

- Introvert and word lover and Christ seeker
- Currently learning Swedish just in case
- ISFP... what are you?
No one really leaves comments any more. But if you did, you'd be my favorite. At least until someone else came along. I'm fickle like that.
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- You Can't Make This Stuff Up
This post is pulchritudinous! 🙂
No, YOU are pulchritudinous! ~W
I bought some cherries and they made me all philosophical. 😀 Lovely shots!
Hi, Nina!! I love your question on the blog. It was fun to answer. Thanks for dropping by! ~W
Well, if you REALLY want to know…
I spent the whole day trying to regain access to my e-mail, twitter, facebook and various other accounts because my 16-year-old hacked it from Virginia (I live in GA) and changed the passwords on purpose. It just ruined my day…
But there’s always tomorrow…
You had a very hard day–and from the sound of it, a very hard time lately. I hope things get better and you find healing. Hang in there! ~W
Worked up a couple pictures for my Etsy shop, poked around the Internet, and took an exquisitely long nap.
Thanks for asking!
😀 Barbara
Long naps are the best, right? ~W
Such pretty flowers. I walked my dogs, worked out a bit and made a few pretty things to put in the shop. Trying to keep really busy lately. Kids will be out of school in less than a week and I’ll go from starving artist to camp director, not literally. Just will spend more time keeping kids busy and less time chatting on Twitter. 🙂
Oh yes, I know that camp director thing. We homeschool, so I tend to be in that space most of the year. Summer means LESS directing for me… but when September rolls around I have the same reaction! 😀 ~W
Spent 3 hours with Adobe tech support in India (off and on hold) cuz they sent me wrong version of software I just purchased. 🙁
Wished I has taken pictures of flowers instead.
Today I did inventory and labeled 75+ skeins of yarn, 30 Cuffs, 80 Bangles, and 5 hand knits; went to the beach with my daughter; did two dye pots; Served (waitress) 4 and a half hours; spun two skeins of yarn; drank a forty; and ate a few times. Now I’m tired and I’m going to bed. Is it weird that I drank a 40??
Rachel… you’ve done in one day what most do in 5. So, no it’s not weird, that 40 is well deserved!! ~W
Those flowers are gorgeous! Wish the ones in my backyard looked like that! 🙂
For dinner I made a delicious cold pasta salad with tomatoes, cheese cubes, cucumbers and a light oil dressing. It was perfect for the 90+ degree weather we’ve been having.
Oh, 90 degree weather. Swoon. We’ve actually had nice weather for a few weeks now, but the cold has moved back in. I miss HOT. And that salad sounds delish! ~W
Let’s see. Today is now yesterday. I taught fractions to first-graders, I negotiated a truce between two weepy little girls, I laughed a lot, I yelled a little, and I baked 3 dozen cupcakes.
Any day with cupcakes is a good day. And I don’t know how you do it, Mary. ~W
I slept in late. I did some homework (but not enough that I don’t have to do it today, too). I thought about working on my resume, but I took a nap instead.
You’ve inspired me. This weekend I’m going to get my camera some exercise 🙂
I can’t wait to see what you find! Blooming time is so inspirational–all those flowers and good smells. ~W
packed. packed. cleaned. packed some more. sorted. packed. I’m thinking you had a bit more color in your day. 😉
I abhor moving. It’s so draining. I tend to write abusive comments on my boxes like, “If you lose this, I’ll hunt you down.” It helps! ~W
avoided cleaning quite successfully by inviting friends over to gawk at my newly primed porch glider
I have an Avoidance Gift.
I have that gift too! ~W
I taught(or tried to), did some informational picketing outside my school, went on errands, jogged, talked to my younger daughter on the phone and now am relaxing and having a beer. I wish I’d gone to see flowers!!
Busy you!! Relaxing and having a beer sounds like just the thing! ~W
Your pictures are a lot like dancing.
Thank you!! How are you? I miss you on your blog. I’ve been thinking about you and your niece. ~W
Put on a 4th grade play and suffered with a sinus infection. Good time.s
Oh! You’re still struggling with that sinus infection? OY. So painful. I hope you feel better very soon. At least school is almost out, right? ~W
OK, so I’m late to the party. I had a morning mocha with my beautiful wife, worked, went for a walk through a fantastic nursery. Afterward I was treated to a tasty mocha out by my beautiful wife. Then there was making dinner and watching a little tele…
It was a lovely day. Thanks for coming out with me. . . I think we’ve got some good ideas! ~W
Well…a few days late…these days are running together in a scramble of me recovering from a strange virus that induced arthritis symptoms (almost gone), furiously researching educational options for our six-year-old (thanks for all the info!), conducting telephone interviews with school directors, and getting a husband ready to leave for North Dakota for 2 weeks (me and the three here, alone!). Oh, and putting cardboard rolls around the corn and popcorn plants in the garden to keep the squirrels from devouring them all…
Hostas! Never too many hostas!
Lovely photos Wende!
Covered my petunias to protect them from the weeked snow