Sulu earrings. Susan truly is one of The Best of Etsy! 


Spring has arrived. Now, somebody tell the weather! This constant grey and rain has driven my motivation to Boca Raton. She left two weeks ago and I hear she’s having a grand old time sipping sweet things on a beach somewhere.  I wish she would come home, because the laundry is piling up!

I know, I know, I’m always whinging about the weather. Shall we get on with it? I have a great list today–No theme, just a selection of really amazing Etsy finds I think you should see. So, here we go:

The Best of Etsy: The List Where Wende Stops Whining About the Weather for 15 Minutes. 

First up, these make my heart weep in that really nice way. And then I start searching for babies to spoil. Oh my. 

Tortillagirl rocks my world. And this bag will rock yours. Yes it will. Don’t argue, click! 

$10 and free shipping. Worldwide! What are you waiting for? What am I waiting for? 

Ok, so I know I said I wouldn’t talk about the weather in this list. So I won’t. But if the ___________ is too cold in your part of the world to wear your new Spring Dress. . . then pair it with this. See, I can do this! 

I don’t  feature enough stuff for men, do I? This is super cool and on sale. I like a sale, don’t you? 

Pssst. You. Yeah, you with the 8.5 size foot. Red Wedges. Vintage. I know, that never happens! 

Tulips and lattes. I think it might just be a match made in heaven. Go see! 


Wow, and I have so much more to show you! However, you’re going to have to wait until next week to see it! Apparently, some of you are in full possession of your motivation and are making amazing things for spring! Speaking of next week—do I have a surprise for you. It’s going to be a super-sized list and . . . I can’t tell you the rest. But it’s really good! 

Until then, enjoy the beginning of this new season.