So today is my birthday. For years, I’ve lied about my age and told people that I’m 42. I’ve always believed that if people were rude enough to inquire, it was license to stretch the truth. Lying up gives the added benefit of making you appear younger—since there are certain perceptions about what 40 or 50 or 60 looks like–and unless you’ve been smoking 2 packs a day you’re not likely to meet those expectations. Jaws drop and eyes widened with envy. They WISH they looked as good as you do at 42. It’s your little secret that you’re actually 36. 

But I’ve decided to come clean. In truth, it’s because I actually feel good about being 39. It’s the last year before 40–a decade I’m looking forward to entering–and I have plans to make the most of it! In fact, I even have  “theme” for this year of being “lighter–emotionally, spiritually, and physically” by 40.  

IZ, bless his heart, took me quite literally and got me a sweet, yet TINY Coolpix camera for my birthday. I promptly shot this self-portrait.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my Nikon D50 and all my assorted lenses. I’m actually looking to upgrade next year. But it’s heavy. Really heavy. And I’m starting to feel that weight in my joints after lugging it around in my bag. Two years ago leaving the house without a camera would have been sacrilege. But today I’m valuing my connective tissue more and more as it gets thinner and thinner. It’s the choice between the potential of a photo opportunity and the certainty that my neck will regret taking my camera. There’s only so much Naproxin a girl should take, you know?

IZ knows I’m brand loyal when it comes to cameras; and really, how can you argue with Ashton Kutcher–a man who clearly knows the value of a woman over 30. 

So, today I’m 39 and I’m shooting pictures with my tiny “lighter” camera and all is well with the world. Me and Ashton Kutcher, we got it goin’ on.